My 13-hour
long filibuster to force President Obama to admit he could not deploy
drones to target American citizens for killing on U.S. soil.
You and other patriots swamped the
offices of my colleagues with phone calls, emails and petitions to beat
back (for
now) President Obama's national gun registration scheme.
And just recently you rose up at town
halls across America and forced the administration to halt his march to war in Syria.
victories were only possible because the politicians in Washington saw that you stood with me.
That's why everyone in Washington drew a big red circle around September 30th on their calendars.
On that day, I must turn in my financial report.
You see, Big Government politicians will use
that report as a basis to judge whether I really have the grassroots
support and resources to prevent them from greasing their agenda through
So I've launched the Stand with Rand End of Quarter Money Bomb today.
My goal is to raise $112,456 by Monday,
September 30th to prove to the politicians in Washington that you and I
fully prepared to FIGHT their schemes to grow
government, balloon our debt and trash our liberties.
President Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid
and his liberal allies in Congress will search for ANY hint of weakness
the part of conservatives.
I've always been able to count on you in the past.
Will you agree to stand with me as I continue to fight in the Senate for our conservative values?
You and I have fought high-stake battles in the past.
But the agenda that's
being whispered about on Capitol Hill is truly breathtaking in its size and scope.
In just a few
short weeks, Congress will vote to raise our nation's debt ceiling.
Our $16.6 TRILLION debt is a
moral outrage.
And rather than slash spending to restore fiscal sanity, President Obama is
demanding Congress pass a "clean" debt ceiling increase.
As you and I have seen in the
past, Congress will gladly kick the can down the road and pile trillions
of new dollars of debt on the heads of future generations.
Only in Washington is this madness and irresponsible behavior viewed as "consensus."
I won't stand for that and I'm determined to fight.
But it's not a
lone freshman Senator from Kentucky causing my colleagues to sit up and take notice.
It's you.
That's why I need to prove you're still in my corner.
So I hope I can count on you to
make your most generous contribution of $250, $100, $50 or $35
to the Stand with Rand End of Quarter Money Bomb right away.
If that is too much, please
chip in a contribution of $25 or even just
One sad fact about Washington is when the politicians aren't trying
to finance their Big Government schemes with deficit spending, they're trying to grow government with higher taxes.
And one bill quietly snaking its way through Congress is the Internet Tax Mandate.
The last thing we need is more taxes for the purpose of implementing more government.
internet is one of the greatest inventions of our time - and also
happens to be the one marketplace with limited government intrusion.
The only way to ensure its growth is
to allow small businesses and the consumers they
to be as free from government interference as possible.
While larger corporations can take on
the additional costs of the Internet Tax Mandate, small businesses won't be so fortunate.
I fear
they won't be able to afford the extra burden -- putting them out of business and stifling economic growth.
Will you stand with me against the Internet Tax Mandate by
making your most generous
contribution of $250, $100, $50, or $35 today?
If that is more than you can afford,
chip in a
contribution of $25 or even just $10.
You see, it's not just taxes and spending on
the Big Government checklist.
Our gun rights always seem to end up on the chopping block.
Just the other day, President Obama called for a "transformation" of our nation's gun laws --
blatantly calling on the anti-gunners to spring into action.
Gun control
activists have been targeting many of my Senate colleagues for months with everything from bus tours to ugly TV ads.
Based on public statements from my colleagues on both
sides of the aisle, I’m afraid we could see another gun control Senate
showdown this fall.
Vice President Joe Biden has been feverishly working the phones, telling
Senators that failing to pass gun control will come back to haunt them in 2014!
I don’t
believe that, and your support will help me prove it.
The good news is you and I were able to beat back their national gun
registry scheme last spring.
But that doesn't mean the gun control lobby has accepted defeat.
They sense weakness.
And the best way to
project strength is a loud and clear message when I turn in my fundraising report on September 30th.
So I hope I can count on you to
make your most generous contribution of $250, $100, $50, or even $35 to the Stand with Rand End of Quarter Money Bomb.
If that's too much for you, please
chip in a contribution of $25 or
You are sadly mistaken if you thought that was the end of the Big Government
You see, the senate's version of “immigration reform,” is in the
Republican House’s court.
The GOP-controlled House could stand firm and pass legislation
that starts with border security and removes the onerous National ID database requirement for American citizens.
Under the National ID scheme, the Department of Homeland
Security would create a massive new photo database to include names,
ages, and
social security numbers of every single American.
And if you don't get one, you'd be barred from
working legally.
How long before you'd be required to show your National ID card to rent a house,
open a bank account or even buy groceries?
How long would it be before you'd be required to be
checked against the Department of Homeland Security's National Database before you could buy a firearm?
Such a scheme is only the beginning for Washington
bureaucrats watching and cataloguing our every move.
This is the so-called “solution”
to Congress’ failure to control our borders.
“Just let us spy on you, and you
won’t have anything to worry about,” they say.
You and I have already seen
President Obama’s IRS and NSA vastly abuse their power over American citizens. And we’re supposed to believe this newest power
won’t be abused?
It would be madness to believe it won’t.
But if the House passes legislation that even
differs by a word from the Senate bill, it will go to a Conference
where select members of both houses and both parties will have to hash
out final legislation.
kind of shenanigans could go on at that point, so we need to make sure we keep the pressure on both houses of Congress.
You see, these sorts of backroom deals are only
successful when politicians believe no one is looking -- or worse -- no
one is
powerful enough to stop them.
Forcing Congress to debate our broken borders in the light of day
will only happen if I can submit a quarterly fundraising report that
demonstrates I have the resources necessary to whip up a storm of
support through email, direct mail, online and social media ads.
That's why I hope I can count on
you to
make a generous
contribution of $250, $100, $50, or even $35.
If that's more than you can afford,
please consider
in a contribution of $25 or $10.
I wasn't just me standing in the well of
the senate for 13 hours filibustering President Obama's policy to deploy drones to target American citizens on U.S. soil.
You stood with me and made the difference.
And it wasn't any great
speech I gave that turned the tide on President Obama's gun control scheme or stopped his march for war in Syria.
Your grassroots activism was the loudest voice saying, "no!"
If you and
I are going to slam the breaks on the Big Government agenda over the
next few months, I'm going to need to show everyone I can kick up a
storm of
grassroots opposition.
So I hope I can count on you to
make your most generous
contribution of $250, $100, $50 or even just $35 to Stand with Rand End of Quarter Money Bomb TODAY!
If that's too much, please
chip in a contribution of $25 or
Thank you for all that you do.
In Liberty,

Senator Rand Paul