Thursday, January 31, 2013

A Message About Patrick Buchanan

This country has been teeming with individuals who would like to speak out on such issues for decades, potentially even centuries. What is most worrisome about someone "speaking out" on this type of an issue automatically makes him a bigot, an arrogant jerk, completely off the rocker, and especially NOT politically correct. More people should have the gusto of Mr. Buchanan. Perhaps if they did, then we would not encounter people getting sacked or completely ignored. It is time for all of us to put the battle wounds of yesteryear behind us. Blacks and Indians continue to blame today's white citizens for things our ancestors may (or may not) have done, but this needs to stop and this is darned good way to have that happen:

This is the reason CNN has dropped Pat Buchanan. It's like Newt G. said, "You’re not supposed to bring up uncomfortable Facts." (verified on Buchanan’s website)

Finally.............It is Said Publicly. I have never seen the "white side" explained better! Pat Buchanan had the guts to say it. It is about time!!

By Patrick J. Buchanan

Barack says we need to have a conversation about race in America. Fair enough. But this time, it has to be a two-way conversation. White America needs to be heard from, not just lectured to....this time, the Silent Majority needs to have its convictions, grievances and demands heard. And among them are these:

First, America has been the best country on earth for black folks. It was here that 600,000 black people, brought from Africa in slave ships, grew into a community of 40 million, were introduced to Christian salvation, and reached the greatest levels of freedom and prosperity blacks have ever known.. Jeremiah Wright ought to go down on his knees and thank God he is an American.

Second, no people anywhere has done more to lift up blacks than white Americans. Untold trillions have been spent since the 60's on welfare, food stamps, rent supplements, Section 8 housing, Pell grants, student loans, legal services, Medicaid, Earned Income Tax Credits and poverty programs designed to bring the African-American community into the mainstream. Governments, businesses and colleges have engaged in discrimination against white folks -- with affirmative action, contract set-asides and quotas -- to advance black applicants over white applicants. Churches, foundations, civic groups, schools and individuals all over America have donated their time and money to support soup kitchens, adult education, day care, retirement and nursing homes for blacks.
We hear the grievances. Where is the gratitude??

Barack talks about new 'ladders of opportunity' for blacks. Let him go to Altoona? And Johnstown, and ask the white kids in Catholic schools how many were visited lately by Ivy League recruiters handing out scholarships for 'deserving' white kids'...? Is white America really responsible for the fact that the crime and incarceration rates for African-Americans are seven times those of white America? Is it really white America's fault that illegitimacy in the African-American community has hit 70 percent and the black dropout rate from high schools in some cities has reached 50 percent?

Is that the fault of white America or, first and foremost, a failure of the black community itself?

As for racism, its ugliest manifestation is in interracial crime, and especially interracial crimes of violence. Is Barack Obama aware that while white criminals choose black victims 3 percent of the time, black criminals choose white victims 45 percent of the time?

Is Barack aware that black-on-white rapes are 100 times more common than the reverse, that black-on-white robberies were 139 times as common in the first three years of this decade as the reverse?

We have all heard ad nauseam from the Rev. Al about Tawana Brawley, the Duke rape case and Jena . And all turned out to be hoaxes. But about the epidemic of black assaults on whites that are real, we hear nothing.

Sorry, Barack, some of us have heard it all before, about 40 years and 40 trillion tax dollars ago. I'm for a better America

I am
Not racist,
Not violent,
Just not silent anymore.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Consider The Fine Details...

Did You Know?

What a surprise!!!!

Did you know.....
A 1997 high school shooting in Pearl, Miss., was halted by the
school's vice principal after he retrieved the Colt .45 he kept in his
A 1998 middle school shooting ended when a man living next door
heard gunfire and apprehended the shooter with his shotgun.
A 2002 terrorist attack at an Israeli school was quickly stopped by
an armed teacher and a school guard.
A 2002 law school shooting in Grundy, Va., came to an abrupt
conclusion when students carrying firearms confronted the shooter.
A 2007 mall shooting in Ogden, Utah, ended when an armed off-duty
police officer intervened.
A 2009 workplace shooting in Houston, Texas, was halted by two
coworkers who carried concealed handguns.
A 2012 church shooting in Aurora, Colo., was stopped by a member of
the congregation carrying a gun.
At the recent mall shooting in Portland, Ore., the gunman took his
own life minutes after being confronted by a shopper carrying a
concealed weapon.
2500 times last year alone legal gun owners stopped violent crime when
confronted with it long before any police assistance ...
Of course, you probably didn't know any of this because mainstream
media doesn't find it worth reporting. It's not sensational enough and
doesn't fit with their agenda. What's insane is people who think
removing rights from responsible people will somehow keep them safe.
Happy moments, praise God.
Difficult moments, seek God.
Quiet moments, worship God.
Painful moments, trust God.
- Every moment, thank God.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

An Update for Parental Rights

January 29, 2013
Charging Ahead in 2013
January is not quite behind us, and already parental rights are charging ahead across the country. Both in the States and in the Congress, signs indicate that it will be a banner year.
In the States
In the States, both statutes and resolutions are making progress. The parental rights statutes affirm that parental rights are a fundamental right demanding “strict scrutiny” protection. This means a parent’s decisions cannot be overridden without showing a governmental interest of the highest order that cannot be served by some other means.

Virginia’s statute, SB 908, passed out of committee on an 8-6 vote on Monday and could come before the whole Senate as early as today. Its house companion bill, HB 1642, is scheduled for a committee vote this Friday.

Oklahoma HB 1384 includes fundamental parental rights, but has expanded greatly on the language we provided as a starting point. If it passes, Oklahoma will join Arizona in having the strongest and clearest “parents’ bill of rights” in the country!

Mississippi also has a parental rights statute moving forward. HB 496 is in the House Judiciary B Committee and could receive a hearing as early as this Thursday, January 31. Its companion bill, SB 2650, is in the Senate Judiciary A Committee.

Watch for upcoming alerts if you live in any of these states, as we will let you know when calls or emails are needed to support these efforts. A number of other states will also be seeing statutes introduced in the coming days. We will keep you apprised of those as well.

Mississippi also has a state resolutionSC530 – which would urge the U.S. Congress to approve the Parental Rights Amendment and pass it on to the states for ratification. Six other states – Louisiana, South Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, and Florida – have already passed such measures since 2010.

Nebraska’s LR42 is a similar resolution. Fully 32 of the 49 senators in Nebraska’s unicameral legislature are already cosponsors of this resolution, including 5 of the 8 members of the Judiciary Committee. We are very hopeful this resolution will be adopted, but we’ll take nothing for granted. Watch out for alerts in your state, as well.

Efforts are also underway in Michigan, Texas, Louisiana, Missouri, and other states to pass statutes, resolutions, or both this legislative session. We will pass along details as they are available.
In Congress
There is already a good deal of excitement on the Hill for the Parental Rights Amendment in this Congress. More than 135 former cosponsors are still in Congress and ready to support us again. What’s more, both the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee and the chairman of the Constitution Subcommittee are strong supporters of parental rights. Once the Amendment is relaunched, we look forward to working to secure hearings in these committees. With leadership backing us, we hope to see a vote on the Amendment in this Congress.

I know many of you are eager to call your congressman and get him or her on board (or on board again). We appear to be only days away from being able to supply you with the details you will need to start making that happen.

In the meantime, we are launching an effort to double our petition list in 2013. If you haven’t gathered petition signers in a while – or even just asked your friends or family members to support parental rights – why not do so now? Twice the voices will seriously boost our efforts at both the state and federal level!


Michael Ramey
Director of Communications & Research

A Clear and Present Danger

(Formerly Graham County Tea Party Patriots)
                      A CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER
This is a frightening presentation of the danger our Nation, State, Counties, Cities and Towns are being exposed to by the United Nations through a program called:
                                                                 AGENDA 21
Many of us may remember when the first Republican President Bush, slipped as he was reporting to the press some of the things he had been exposed to at a UN gathering in Rio De Janeiro. He said that a "New World Order" was being created. It caused ripples of concern throughout the nation.
He told us that he had signed what was to be called the "Rio Accord". In truth, this was the beginning of the New World Order/One World Government rational thinkers had come to fear. We were then told by those wanting to hide what President Bush told us that he didn't say what he said, and we were conspiracy theorists if we believed what he had said. Hmmmm! Sounds like bureaucratic double talk doesn't it?
Here we are over twenty years later and what we were told by President Bush is occurring. A New World Order/One World Government is coming of age, and we can no longer be called Conspiracy Theorists.
President Clinton in 1994 signed into law, through an Executive Order, the President's Council for Sustainable Development, and with that the UN Agenda 21began to be implemented in our country at the national level. 
In accordance with our Mission Statement, which is to "inform and education our citizens, and government officials", we are sponsoring two experts to come and teach us:
                            1. What is occurring
                            2. How to recognize the danger
                            3. Then, how to combat it
Dr. Lyle Repacki and Heather Gass are nationally known on this subject, and consultants to government legislators on this threat from the UN Agenda 21 attack.  
WHEN: February 15th, a Friday, at 6:47 p.m.
WHERE: Safford's Victory Fellowship/Theater at 555 Entertainment Street.
We are requesting a $5.00 per person charge to be able to reimburse Dr. Repacki for airline tickets, motels and travel expenses for Heather Gass.
This is a presentation for all State, County, City and Town officials. This is a presentation for all who are concerned of the loss of our right to own property, and to control our own lives.
Agenda 21 is called by many names to hide who is sponsoring it. It is always brings money and it always has "strings of control" attached!
Please come and listen and then act----we are in danger of ultimately losing all we hold dear.
Don't think it can happen to us? Already over 600 counties, cities, and towns in our country have signed on to use the United Nation Agenda 21 program.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Weekly Update for Rep. Gosar

Keeping the Obama Administration Accountable
Dear Friend,

This week, the Justice Department’s Criminal Division head, Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer announced his resignation. While it is another overdue step in the right direction, his resignation does not bring justice to the victims of crimes committed by weapons obtained in Operation Fast and Furious.

The American and Mexican people deserve the answers that Breuer and Attorney General Holder have withheld. Only with these answers and the resignation of Attorney General Holder will justice be brought in the name of the hundreds of victims on both sides of the border. See more HERE .

Protecting Life and Stopping Funding to Planned Parenthood 
Tuesday marked the 40th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision.  As a father and a Catholic, I am fully committed to protecting the unborn and upholding the sanctity of life. We should not celebrate the Roe v. Wade anniversary, but rather pause and reflect on the nearly 50 million lives lost.

Earlier this month, I signed onto the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act (H.R.217), to prohibit federal funding for Planned Parenthood or any other organization that provides abortions. It is our moral and constitutional obligation that the life of every human being, born and unborn, is respected and protected under the law.
Beating Back the Regulators
The Obama administration has proposed costly and unnecessary regulations which would drive up the price of water and energy, as well as kill jobs. These include their attacks on the Navajo Generating station, our farms, the Grand Canyon tourist industry and the safe mining of natural resources. These attacks on Arizona and our way of life are why I supported the REINS Act .
It's Time to Audit the Fed
A real and thorough audit of the Federal Reserve is more urgent than ever. That is why this week I signed on to Audit the Fed legislation. During a time when the Fed continues unprecedented intervention in our economy, they have been opaque and resistant to transparency. 

Allowing the Fed to operate in almost complete secrecy has allowed Washington to spend taxpayer money recklessly, rack up trillion dollar deficits, and rob hard-working Americans of their wealth and savings 
We must demand a full audit, so that the American people can find out what the Fed is doing to our dollars and our economy. I will continue to fight on the front lines of this battle to get Audit the Fed passed through Congress. For more, click HERE .
Obamacare Malady of the Week
Under Obamacare, health insurers will be allowed to charge up to 50% higher premiums for smokers. That amounts to nearly $4,250 dollars per year for smokers who are 55 and older. Read more HERE .  
MONDAY, JAN. 28TH, 2013

I will be holding a press conference on my planned legislation to seek compensation and recognition of Mohave county residents suffering from weapons testing radiation on Monday, January 28, 2013. I will outline my bill to protect the Mohave county residents, known as “downwinders,” who may suffer from radiation poisoning from nuclear tests conducted in the 1950’s and early 60’s.       
Time: 2:00PM- 2:30PM MST
Location: 310 N. 4th Street, Kingman, AZ 86401

Location: 310 N. 4th Street, Kingman, AZ 86401

Location:  301 N. 4th Street, Kingman, AZ 86401

TUESDAY, JAN. 29TH, 2013

Location: Firehouse Coffee
2350 Miracle Mile
Bullhead City, AZ 86442
Location: Senior Nutrition Center (next to City Hall)
2275 Trane Road
Bullhead City, AZ 86442
LOCATION:  Mohave Community College 3400 Highway 95
Location: Parker Community Senior Center
1115 12th Street
Parker, AZ 85344
LOCATION: 2360 N. McCullochBlvd. N
Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403
*Note: Rep. Gosar’s staff, from 2:30PM-4:30PM, will hold OFFICE HOURS
The Arizona SCITECH festival is approaching fast. Starting on February 9th, this state-wide science and technology celebration will have multiple events on everything from astronomy to paper airplane contests and a whole lot more. Please check out the festival’s website here


   Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S.
   Member of Congress

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Miscellaneous Information

Rallies Held for Second Amendment
Across the country, rallies were held for the Second Amendment or Gun Appreciation Day over the weekend. Alan Scholl, Executive Director at FreedomProject Education, attended and spoke at one in Madison, Wis. He reports that between 800 and 1,000 attended.
According to his online account, he wrote, "I was blessed with the opportunity to give the opening prayer, and later spoke for approximately 10 minutes on the uniqueness and value of our rapidly growing new school, FreedomProject Education. I was able to address the key importance of teaching the Constitution to America's youth, and the critical role of the 2nd Amendment in maintaining freedom."
"Later I returned to the podium a third time to speak briefly on the realities of protecting our children from attack, the glaring discrepancy between the attacks on unarmed innocents in so-called 'gun free zones' while under government 'protection,' and the contrasting results of citizens in similar situations who have the advantage and the value of self-defense, training and gun ownership and possession in the same situations."
Have you checked out FPE lately? In addition to their online Pre-K to 12 curriculum, adults can enjoy ongoing education with on-campus or online classes. 

January 22: 40 Years After Roe v. Wade
Pro-life events are planned across the country in the marking of the 40 years of abortion that have resulted in the killing of more than 50 million babies.
The largest of these events occurs every year in Washington, DC. March for Life draws huge numbers (400,000 last year), but how many news reports have you seen about it? Our news magazine has covered it in the past and will cover it, and other pro-life events, yet again this year.
To finally help save the unborn, Congress would need to act. Rep. Ron Paul's H.R. 958, which he introduced each year since at least 2004, would restore the rights of the states to regulate abortion. States would have a much easier time protecting the unborn than waiting for the Supreme Court to become more conservative. Talk to your Congressmen today to have them introduce something similar.
National Visit Your State Legislator Day: February 20
Don't forget to read about and plan for National Visit Your State Legislator Day in the February JBS Bulletin.
This is to help boost the Choose Freedom, Stop A Con-Con action project. Meet with your state legislators to discuss the dangers of a con-con. Check out the action tools and come well prepared to state your case. Let us know how you did!

Monday, January 21, 2013

An Urgent Letter

I received this email from an Aunt today and I felt it was appropriate to post. Ironically, it came through right as I finished posting the previous. However, I felt it too important to wait another day and, thus, I'm posting it tonight.

Urgent Letter from Bishop Thomas Paprocki on Gay Marriage
1/6/2013 4:11:00 PM
By Bishop Thomas John Paprocki -Press Release - Diocese of Springfield, IL

SPRINGFIELD - Bishop Thomas John Paprocki of the Catholic Diocese of Springfield in Illinois released a letter concerning the proposed Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act. This letter has been sent to priests, deacons and pastoral facilitators in the 131 parishes of the diocese.
In his cover message, Bishop Paprocki said: "In light of the urgency and importance of the matter, I ask that my attached letter be read from the pulpit at all Masses this weekend (January 5-6), either incorporated appropriately with the homily or at the announcement time after Communion. Copies may also be reproduced for distribution with the parish bulletin. Your cooperation and prayers will be appreciated."
# # # # #
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Our state's elected lawmakers will soon consider a bill called "The Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act." A more fraudulent title for this dangerous measure could not be imagined. The proposed law is, in truth, a grave assault upon both religious liberty and marriage. All people of goodwill, and especially Christ's faithful committed to my pastoral care in the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois, should resolutely oppose this bill and make their opinions known to their representatives.
The pending bill would, for the first time in our state's history, redefine marriage to legally recognize same-sex "marriages." But neither two men nor two women - nor, for that matter, three or more people - can possibly form a marriage. Our law would be lying if it said they could.
The basic structure of marriage as the exclusive and lasting relationship of a man and a woman, committed to a life which is fulfilled by having children, is given to us in human nature, and thus by nature's God. Notwithstanding the vanity of human wishes, every society in human history - including every society untouched by Jewish or Christian revelation - has managed to grasp this profound truth about human relationships and happiness: marriage is the union of man and woman.
The bill's sponsors maintain it would simply extend marriage to some people who have long been arbitrarily excluded from it. They are wrong. The pending bill would not expand the eligibility-roster for marriage. It would radically redefine what marriage is- for everybody.
It would enshrine in our law - and thus in public opinion and practice - three harmful ideas:
What essentially makes a marriage is romantic-emotional union.
Children don't need both a mother and father.
The main purpose of marriage is adult satisfactions.
These ideas would deepen the sexual revolution's harms on all society. After all, if marriage is an emotional union meant for adult satisfactions, why should it be sexually exclusive? Or limited to two? Or pledged to permanence? If children don't need both their mother and father, why should fathers stick around when romance fades? As marriage is redefined, it becomes harder for people to see the point of these profoundly important marital norms, to live by them, and to encourage others to do the same. The resulting instability hurts spouses, but also - and especially - children, who do best when reared by their committed mother and father.
Indeed, children's need - and right - to be reared by the mother and father whose union brought them into being explains why our law has recognized marriage as a conjugal partnership - the union of husband and wife - at all. Our lawmakers have understood that marriage is naturally oriented to procreation, to family. Of course, marriage also includesa committed, intimate relationship of a sort which some same-sex coulples (or multiple lovers in groups of three or more) could imitate. But our law never recognized and supported marriage in order to regulate intimacy for its own sake. The reason marriage is recognized in civil law at all (as ordinary friendships, or other sacraments, are not) is specific to the committed, intimate relationships of people of opposite-sex couples: they are by nature oriented to having children. Their love-making acts are life-giving acts.
Same-sex relationships lack this unique predicate of state recognition and support. Even the most ideologically blinded legislator cannot change this natural fact: the sexual acts of a same-sex couple (regardless of how one views them morally) are simply not of the type that yield the gift of new life. So they cannot extend a union of hearts by a true bodily union. They cannot turn a friendship into the one-flesh union of marriage. They are not marital. This is not just a Christian idea, but one common to every major religious tradition and our civilization's great philosophical traditions, beginning with ancient Greece and Rome.
The pending bill is not only a dangerous social experiment about marriage. It is also a lethal attack upon religious liberty. This so-called "religious freedom" would not stop the state from obligating the Knights of Columbus to make their halls available for same-sex "weddings." It would not stop the state from requiring Catholic grade schools to hire teachers who are legally "married" to someone of the same sex. This bill would not protect Catholic hospitals, charities, or colleges, which exclude those so "married" from senior leadership positions. Nor would it protect me, the Bishop of Springfield, if I refused to employ someone in a same-sex "marriage" who applied to the Diocese for a position meant to serve my ministry as your bishop. This "religious freedom" law does nothing at all to protect the consciences of people in business, or who work for the government. We saw the harmful consequences of deceptive titles all too painfully last year when the so-called "Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Union Act" forced Catholic Charities out of foster care and adoption services in Illinois.
These threats do not raise a question about drafting a better law, one with more extensive conscience protections. There is no possible way - none whatsoever- for those who believe that marriage is exclusively the union of husband and wife to avoid legal penalties and harsh discriminatory treatment if the bill becomes law. Why should we expect it be otherwise? After all, we would be people who, according to the thinking behind the bill, hold onto an "unfair" view of marriage. The state would have equated our view with bigotry - which it uses the law to marginalize in every way short of criminal punishment.
The only way to protect religious liberty, and to preserve marriage, is to defeat this perilous proposal. Please make sure our elected representatives understand that and know that they will be held to account.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Reverend Thomas John Paprocki
Bishop of Springfield in Illinois

Upcoming Agenda 21 Presentation

On February 15, 2014, beginning @ 6:45 p.m. Graham County will be able to learn about Agenda 21...what the government DOES NOT want you to know. Dr. Lyle Rapacki and Heather Gass will be coming to the Victory Fellowship Church at 555 Entertainment Street in Safford, AZ, to give us a first-hand look at what exactly Agenda 21 is to America, and, specifically, Arizona.  The following few paragraphs are their backgrounds and why they are knowledgeable on Agenda 21:

Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D.
Lyle is a Protective Intelligence and Assessment Specialist and Consultant in Behavioral Analysis and Threat Assessment, as well as a Private-Sector Intelligence Analyst.  The owner of Sentinel Intelligence Services, LLC, Dr. Rapacki has been providing selected members of the Arizona Legislature Intelligence Briefings on Border Security and related matters, as well as threats against Arizona State sovereignty over the past 2-years.  He has assisted law enforcement at all levels with regional and national intelligence, and has written dozens of White Papers and Classified briefings that have worked their way into counterterrorism groups nationally.
Heather Gass
Heather is a wife, mother, realtor and tireless activist for private property rights and liberty.  Prior to becoming an activist, Heather was a network engineer for over 17-years.  She is the author of 3-technical books and dozens of IT Training videos which have been translated into over 7-languages and are currently being used in colleges and by IT professionals world-wide.  In 2009, Heather founded the East Bay Tea Party in northern California, and this Tea Party currently has over 3,000 members with affiliates nationwide.  Her group’s major focus is Agenda-21 and private property rights.  Heather is an expert at defeating the Delphi and has been educating and motivating conservative groups across California, and even the country.  She is a consultant to elected officials at all levels.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Second Amendment is a Fundamental Right

The Second Amendment is a Fundamental Right
Dear Friend,
As a member of Congress, I took an oath to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution. I did not swear to uphold only the sections I liked. The Bill of Rights contain civil liberties so fundamentally important that no matter how unpopular at times, these rights are guaranteed and no president, no Congress and no person can deprive them from us. The Second Amendment, hated by some, is a fundamental right as well. I, and millions of others, see the wisdom of the Second Amendment even as many do not. But whether you see its wisdom, all public officials were sworn to uphold it. 

And this is where I part ways with the president. On Wednesday, President Obama sought to undermine constitutional guarantees when he unveiled 23 measures, in a combination of executive orders and proposed new legislation, to restrict gun ownership.
All of us share the grief of the criminal use of guns but we must realize there is no easy answer to the problem of violence we face in our country. Some of us recognize a simple reality — there are bad people who do bad things. No amount of laws will change that. Indeed, murder and assault are crimes but these events still occur. Some naively assert that just one more law, one more regulation, will change that. 

 As always, you can follow everything I am working on in Arizona and Washington, D.C. through my website ( ) on Twitter @repgosar , or through Facebook at Representative Paul Gosar.

   Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S.
   Member of Congress

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

New Name

There was an organizational meeting held last night and the quorum of members decided to change the official name of our group to "Graham County Freedom Alliance." Unfortunately, I cannot adjust the blog site name, but I will be adjusting the header of the the blog site domain name will continue to be, but the page will read "Graham County Freedom Alliance" when you've gotten there. Hope that doesn't cause anyone too much confusion. Also, be sure to check out the calendar! We've got lots of interesting items coming up in the near future. February 2013 is only 2 weeks away!

A Scary Reality in Australia

From: Ed Chenel, A police officer in Australia

Hi Yanks, I thought you all would like to see the real
figures from Down Under.

It has now been 12 months since gun owners in Australia were forced by a new law to surrender 640,381 personal firearms to be destroyed by our own government, a program costing Australia taxpayers more than $500 million dollars.

The first year results are now in:
Australia-wide, homicides are up 6.2 percent,
Australia-wide, assaults are up 9.6 percent;
Australia-wide, armed robberies are up 44 percent (yes, 44 percent)!

In the state of Victoria
lone, homicides with firearms are now up 300 percent.(Note that
while the law-abiding citizens turned them in, the criminals did not
and criminals still possess their guns!)
While figures over the previous 25 years showed a steady
decrease in armed robbery with firearms, this has changed drastically
upward in the past 12 months, since the criminals now are guaranteed
that their prey is unarmed.
There has also been a dramatic increase in break-ins and
assaults of the elderly, while the resident is at home.

Australian politicians are at a loss to explain how public
safety has decreased, after such monumental effort and expense was
expended in 'successfully ridding Australian society of guns....' You
won't see this on the American evening news or hear your governor or
members of the State Assembly disseminating this information.

The Australian experience speaks for itself. Guns in the
hands of honest citizens save lives and property and, yes, gun-control
laws affect only the law-abiding citizens.

Take note Americans, before it's too late!
Will you be one of the sheep to turn yours in? WHY? You will need it!

Be safe. Pass this on and contact your legislators!!!!!
Let's NOT let this happen in America!! Check out this awesome article from about a Sheriff in America who has already written a letter addressing Biden's findings. They clearly state they WILL NOT enforce any such law, feeling (and knowing) that's a direct Constitutional violation.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Defending Our Rights...a Message from Rep. Gosar

Defending Our Rights
Dear Friend,
Over the last few years there has been growing concern about the President's expansion of executive powers.  As a nation of laws, public officials are sworn to uphold the law . . . even laws you may not like.  The way to deal with laws you do not like is to get Congress or whatever body passed it to change it.  Real simple.
President Obama has, by executive order, circumvented national immigration law by ordering a halt to deportations of certain unlawful aliens, without getting the law changed.  In July of 2012, President Obama changed long standing welfare policy to allow states to change mandated work requirements.  Earlier he ordered the DOJ not to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act.  None of these orders were submitted to Congress for review, which the Government Accountability Office concluded he should have done in part.  I have co-sponsored bills to reverse these unconstitutional power grabs and will continue to fight them.

The President, touted by some as knowledgeable about our Constitution, acts as if he never heard of it sometimes.  Now, the President and Vice-President are talking about enacting gun bans by executive order. To continue reading the rest of my op-ed click HERE.
Rep. Gosar Hits Back on Taxes
Recently, the Daily Sun published an editorial critical of my vote against increasing taxes and increasing spending. The editorial suggested I should "hold my nose" and vote to spend more money and raise taxes, while acknowledging that I "pledged not to raise taxes, so he scores points for consistency."
I more than pledged not to raise taxes. I promised voters when I ran for office I would not raise taxes. My word is my bond. Nobody likes politicians who promise one thing during campaign season and then do another back in D.C. I intend to keep my promise. Click HERE for more.
Nearly Four Years Without a Budget
This past Tuesday marked the 1,350th day since the Democrat-led Senate last passed a budget. Families and businesses plan around a budget, and our government should do the same.
Do you agree that it is past time for a responsible federal budget?
Click to open
Obamacare Malady of the Week: “Premium Rate Increases in the Double Digits”
We are already seeing some insurance companies increase their rates by more than 20%. These increases are disproportionately affecting individuals and small businesses—those who are the backbone of our economy. To jump start our economy we must ensure they are not taking the brunt of Obamacare. Click HERE to read more about this increase.
Share Your Thoughts on My Facebook Page
I would like to welcome all of my new Facebook friends to my wall. For those who have been friends with me on Facebook for awhile now, I would like to thank you for all of the continued comments, likes, and interaction.
I do take the time to read over all of the comments and concerns posted on my Facebook page. Please click above or HERE  to learn more.  I remain committed to being open and accessible to you. To like my Facebook page and follow me  please visit: .
As always, you can follow everything I am working on in Arizona and Washington, D.C. through my website ( ) on Twitter @repgosar , or through Facebook at Representative Paul Gosar.

   Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S.
   Member of Congress

Sunday, January 13, 2013

A Little Food for Thought

Each and every day we are bombarded with ridiculous claims that are false about gun ownership. You have individuals like Michael Bloomberg, the Mayor of New York City, who think they have the best solution--revoke the Second Amendment. However, I believe if one Mr. Bloomberg were to see something like this, he'd realize just how dumb his statements make him seem!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Just a Shotgun, right?!

You're sound asleep when you hear a thump outside your bedroom.  Half-awake and nearly paralyzed with fear, you hear muffled whispers.

At least two people have broken into your house and are moving your way.

With your heart pumping, you reach down beside your bed and  pick up your shotgun.

You rack a shell into the chamber, then inch toward the door and open it.

In the darkness, you make out two shadows.

One holds something that looks like a crowbar.

When the intruder brandishes it as if to strike, you raise the shotgun and fire.

The blast knocks both thugs to the floor.

One writhes and screams while the second man crawls to the front door and lurches outside.

As you pick up the telephone to call police, you know you're in trouble.

In your country, most guns were outlawed years before, and the few that are privately owned are so stringently regulated as to make them useless..

Yours was never registered.

Police arrive and inform you that the second burglar has died.

They arrest you for First Degree Murder and Illegal Possession of a Firearm.

When you talk to your attorney, he tells you not to worry: authorities will probably plea the  case down to manslaughter.

"What kind of sentence will I get?" you ask.

"Only ten-to-twelve years," he replies, as if that's nothing.

"Behave yourself, and you'll be out in seven."

The next day, the shooting is the lead story in the local newspaper. Somehow, you're portrayed as  an eccentric vigilante while the two men you shot are represented as choirboys.

Their friends and relatives can't find an unkind word to say about them..

Buried deep down in the article, authorities acknowledge that both "victims" have been arrested numerous times.

But the next day's headline says it all:
"Lovable Rogue Son Didn't Deserve to Die."

The thieves have been transformed from career criminals into Robin Hood-type pranksters..

As the days wear on, the story takes wings.

The national  media picks it up, then the international media .

The surviving burglar has become a folk hero.

Your attorney says the thief is preparing to sue you, and he'll probably win.

The media publishes reports that your home has been  burglarized several times in the past and that you've been critical of local police for their lack of effort in apprehending the suspects.

After the last break-in, you told your neighbor that you would be prepared next time.

The District Attorney uses this to allege that you were lying in wait for the burglars.

A few months later, you go to trial.

The charges haven't been reduced, as your lawyer had so confidently predicted.

When you take the stand, your anger at the injustice of it all works against you..

Prosecutors paint a picture of you as a mean, vengeful man.

It doesn't take long for the jury to convict you of all charges.

The judge sentences you to life in prison.

This case really happened.

On August 22, 1999, Tony Martin of Emneth, Norfolk , England , killed one burglar and wounded a second.

In April, 2000, he was convicted and is now serving a life term...

How  did it become a crime to defend one's own life in the once great British Empire ?

It started with the Pistols Act of 1903.

This seemingly reasonable law forbade selling pistols to minors or felons and established that handgun sales were to be made only to those who had a license.
The Firearms Act of 1920 expanded licensing to include not only handguns but all firearms except shotguns..

Later laws passed in 1953 and 1967 outlawed the carrying of any weapon by private citizens and mandated the registration of all shotguns.

Momentum for total handgun confiscation began in earnest after the Hungerfordmass shooting in 1987.

Michael Ryan, a mentally disturbed man with a Kalashnikov rifle, walked down the streets shooting everyone he saw.

When the smoke cleared, 17 people were dead.

The British public, already de-sensitized by eighty years of "gun control",  demanded even tougher restrictions.
(The seizure of all privately owned handguns was the objective even though Ryan used a rifle.)

Nine years later, at Dunblane , Scotland , Thomas Hamilton used a semi-automatic weapon to murder 16 children and a teacher at a public school.

For many years, the media had portrayed all gun owners as mentally unstable, or worse, criminals.
Now the press had a real kook with which to beat up law-abiding gun owners.
Day after day, week after week, the media gave up all pretense of objectivity and demanded a total ban on all handguns.
The Dunblane Inquiry , a few months later, sealed the fate of the few sidearms still owned by private citizens.

During the years in which the British government incrementally took away most gun rights, the notion that a citizen had the right to armed self-defense came to be seen as vigilantism.
Authorities refused to grant gun licenses to people who were threatened, claiming that self-defense was no longer considered a reason to own a gun.
Citizens who shot burglars or robbers or rapists were charged while the real criminals were released.

Indeed, after the Martin shooting, a police spokesman was quoted as saying,
"We cannot have people take the law into their own hands."

All  of Martin's neighbors had been robbed numerous times,
and several elderly people were severely injured in beatings by young thugs who had no fear of the consequences.
Martin himself, a collector of antiques, had seen most of his collection trashed or stolen by burglars.

When the Dunblane Inquiry ended, citizens who owned handguns were given three months to turn them over to local authorities.

Being good British subjects, most people obeyed the law.
The few who didn't were visited by police and threatened with ten-year prison sentences if they didn't comply.

Police later bragged that they'd taken nearly 200,000 handguns from private citizens.

How did the authorities know who had handguns?
The guns had been registered and licensed.
Kind of like cars. Sound familiar?


"...It does not require a majority to  prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.."
--Samuel Adams

If you think this is important, please forward to everyone you know.

You had better wake up, because Obama is doing this very same thing, over here, if he can get it done
The UN Small Arms Treaty that Hilary is negotiating would take away our 2nd Amendment rights.

And there are stupid people in congress and on the street that will go right along with him.
Just remember - the reason the Japanese didn't invade the USA is because they knew that Most
of the citizens were armed.