Sunday, July 28, 2013

Did You Know?

This was an email that was forwarded to me by another responsible American for freedom, security, and independence.

The gas company serving this area brought their call center back to Phoenix from India last year after numerous customer complaints.  What a difference now when you call them...and it created 300 jobs.  I know this works because they were so bad that when India answered I wouldn't even deal with them.  I'd simply ask to be transferred to a supervisor in the U.S. and they would comply.

Now that I know it is the LAW - I will do it for sure

Any time you call an 800 number (for a credit card, banking, Verizon, health and other insurance, computer help desk, etc) and you find that you're talking to a foreign customer service representative (perhaps in India , Philippines , etc), please consider doing the following:

After you connect and you realize that the customer service representative is not from the USA (you can always ask if you are not sure about the accent), please, very politely (this is not about trashing other cultures) say, "I'd like to speak to a customer service representative in the United States of America .."
The rep might suggest talking to his/her manager, but, again, politely say, "Thank you, but I'd like to speak to a customer service representative in the USA ."

It takes less than one minute to have your call re-directed to the USA .

Tonight when I got redirected to a USA rep, I asked again to make sure - and yes, she was from Fort Lauderdale .

Imagine what would happen if every US citizen insisted on talking to only US phone reps from this day on.

Imagine how that would ultimately impact the number of US jobs that would need to be created ASAP.

If I tell 10 people to consider this and you tell 10 people to consider doing this - see what I becomes an exercise in viral marketing 101.

Remember The goal here is to restore jobs back here at home - not to be abrupt or rude to a foreign phone rep.

You may even get correct answers, good advice, and solutions to your problem - in real English.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Scary Details

Oil and water – or liberalism and cold reality.  Some things just don’t mix.

On July 18, 2013 Detroit, Michigan became the largest city in American history to declare bankruptcy after a decades-long love affair with Big Government policies.

Some are now calling for a federal bailout, forcing American taxpayers to pony up to pay for Detroit’s massive debt. 

As I said when asked about this possibility recently, “Over my dead body.”

If you agree, it’s absolutely vital you sign your "NO BAILOUT!" petition IMMEDIATELY.

Without the action of good folks like you, I truly fear what you and I see happening to Detroit could very well be the future of our country.

Once a shining, vibrant city, the statistics now coming out of Detroit are alarming:

>>>    Detroit was America’s fourth largest city in the 1960s with a population of 1.8 million.  Today, the city’s population has decreased to just over 700,000;

>>>    Average police response time in Detroit is nearly one hour, and just 8.7% of crimes are solved;

>>>    Detroit’s municipal debt stands at more than $18 BILLION – or over $25,000 per man, woman, and child.  In fact, in just four years, $0.65 of every dollar taken in taxes would go to pay off debt.

Now, American taxpayers – already being bilked by big spending politicians in BOTH parties – are being asked to cover the tab.

With nearly $17 TRILLION in national debt, can we even afford it?

You and I both know the answer is “NO!”

Click to sign

Not only that, but whether it’s bailouts of private companies, banks, or local governments, all bailouts ever end up doing is encouraging irresponsibility and mismanagement.

And hardworking families and small businesses – often those struggling to make ends meet – pay the price.

Yet too often our politicians in Washington, D.C. just don’t listen.

Taxpayers are viewed as nothing more than ATM machines politicians use to pay for whatever outrage they come up with next.

My question is, who’s going to bail out Washington, D.C.?

Unless you and I start fighting back, the answer to that question is you and me.

The good news is, the last round of automotive and bank bailouts under TARP launched the Tea Party.

More members of Congress than ever in recent memory are joining me in saying “not so fast” when it comes to handing out even more of our tax dollars.

But more must be done.

So won’t you please sign your “NO BAILOUT!” petition IMMEDIATELY?

And, if you can, please agree to a generous contribution today.

Click to sign

With Congress set to go on its August recess, there’s never been a better time for my colleagues to start hearing from the folks back home.

You and I need to send a loud-and-clear message that not only must the bailouts stop right here and now, but Washington, D.C. needs to get serious about cutting spending.


With your generous contribution of $500, $250, $100, $50 or $35, I can use the upcoming August recess to begin mobilizing more Americans nationwide into an unstoppable political force.

Even if all you can do right now is give $10 or $20, it will help tremendously.

My colleagues have their own ideas for how to spend your money.

But I’ve always thought your ideas are the best.

So please agree to your most generous contribution of $500, $250, $100, $50 or $35 – or even just $10 or $20 – TODAY.

In liberty,
Senator Rand Paul

P.S.  Just recently, Detroit, Michigan became the largest city in American history to declare bankruptcy after a decades-long love affair with Big Government policies.

Some are now calling for a federal bailout, forcing American taxpayers to pony up to pay for Detroit’s massive debt. 

As I said when asked about this possibility recently, “Over my dead body.”

If you agree, it’s absolutely vital you sign your "NO BAILOUT!" petition and agree to your most generous contribution of $500, $250, $100, $50, $35 – or even just $10 or $20 – TODAY!

Monday, July 22, 2013

True Story, Bro

Charlie Daniels, is an American Patriot and famous Country Western Singer.
Please take time to read his recent comments of July 1, 2013.  Pass this on if you agree.
The Press and Paula Deen - Soapbox 07/01/13
I think that if anything exemplifies the overt prejudice and determination of the American media to report only the news that suits their social and political interests and concept of what does and does not fit their agenda, it's the totally overblown coverage of something Paula Deen said 20 years ago, and some party she planned that she wanted to resemble a plantation scene featuring black male waiters in period dress.
If Hollywood plans a movie featuring black waiters in a plantation scene or portray women as prostitutes or cast minorities in caricature roles does the media get upset and start calling the movie moguls racists?
Is there any grown person who could truthfully declare under oath that they have never uttered something that someone might find personally offensive?
"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."
Do the twenty-year-old words of a lady with a television cooking show trump the lie an Attorney General told Congress, or officials at the IRS usurping the rights of the American public and pleading the fifth amendment when confronted about it or the hiding of the facts surrounding the murder of four Americans at a Consulate in Libya or the incredibly shabby image of a president taking a one hundred million dollar vacation in this economy while closing down tours of the White House or the NSA invasion on the privacy of millions of unsuspecting citizens?
I think not, and yet these and other stories of the utmost importance were either ignored or given a back seat to the Paula Deen story which, when taken in context with the high level scandals, Putin's snubbing of an American president, the potentially explosive situations in so much of the world the story was certainly not newsworthy enough to be featured five nights in a row on network news.
Wouldn't a week-long investigation into the life of Lois Lerner, the things she's done and the reason she's pleading the fifth be more meaningful to the American people?
What about what's going on in Israel? The media has been strangely quiet on that front lately, is there nothing worth reporting in that volatile part of the world?
How about the coming catastrophic tidal wave the effect of Obamacare is going to have on America, is there nothing worth questioning in the over 30,000 pages of regulations?
How about the fact that due to federal over regulation it's nearly impossible to live in the U.S. without breaking some law?
How about the Christian pastor who is being held in one of the worst hell hole prisons in the world in Iran for nothing more than sharing his faith?
How about a whole way of life that's being destroyed in West Virginia by the president's war on coal?
I think you get the picture.
No wonder the mainstream media has fallen so far in the trust of the American people.
Why is the Paula Deen story worth so much airtime if not to take attention off the truly important issue, the life changing things that really affect the lives of Americans?
The news is not about news anymore. It's about protecting some people, destroying others and shoving a socialist agenda down the collective throats of America.
What do you think?
Pray for our troops and the peace of Jerusalem.
God Bless America,
Charlie Daniels

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Do We NEED the Parental Rights Amendment?

One of the recurring criticisms we hear most often is that we don’t need the Parental Rights Amendment (PRA). The reasons people give vary widely, from “the government isn’t really going to trample on parental rights,” to “the government won’t pay any attention to it if we pass it anyway.” But a quick look around should suffice to prove that the need is in fact very great.

In April a Sacramento couple had their 5-month-old son taken away by “child protection workers” because they removed the boy from one hospital to get a second opinion at another. The parents remained under court-ordered supervision from case workers for weeks afterward simply because they dared to demand the best medical care for their child.

In June the federal government and the courts made “Plan B,” or the “morning after pill,” available to girls of any age without medical or parental consent. This leaves little girls potentially without the protection and wisdom their parents can provide in a time of crisis.

In 2012 the Supreme Court refused to consider the violation of a couple’s Fourth Amendment rights which arose when deputies and case workers invaded the home and conducted an illegal search at the threat of removing the couple’s children from their care. The Ninth Circuit held that threatening to take your children away does not constitute coercion vis-à-vis your freedom from unwarranted searches.

This year California and Oregon were among the states that passed laws making it harder for parents to decide for themselves whether or not to administer vaccines to their child.

Meanwhile, we undertook efforts in several states to adopt parental rights statutes in state law. Why? Because the courts can no longer seem to agree on the current status of parental rights under the law. Judges rule on a case-by-case basis, protecting the rights of some parents while disregarding the rights of others.

In short, the fact that parental rights are being trampled in America today is undeniable. And the best way – perhaps the only way – to stop this trend is the proposed Parental Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

The PRA as proposed contains 5 brief, clear sections. Section One establishes that “the liberty of parents to direct the upbringing, education, and care of their children is a fundamental right.” Section Two further defines the education aspect of this liberty. Section Three requires that parental rights cases be decided by strict judicial scrutiny – the same legal standard applied to all other fundamental rights cases. Section Four states that the PRA does not apply to end-of-life cases one way or another; current law on these matters will continue untouched by the PRA. Section Five protects parental rights from sources of international law as well.
Action Items
1. Please forward this email to your friends and loved ones who may be wondering why a Parental Rights Amendment would ever be necessary. Hopefully they will see why we are so concerned and they will visit our website to sign the petition and stand with us.

2. If your Congressman is already a cosponsor of HJRes 50 (see the list here), please take a moment to send them a “thank you” email. (No calls, please.) You might say something like this in your own words:

Thank you for showing your support for parental rights by cosponsoring HJRes 50, the Parental Rights Amendment. With so many examples in the news of everyone from doctors to courts to legislatures to public schools riding roughshod over our rights to raise our children according to our own convictions, it is encouraging to know that you have taken a stand to defend us.

To find their contact info, click on your state at, then click the link to the website of your congressman.

3. Just hang on. Things may seem quiet now, and we plan next week to explain to you a little bit why that is. But things will not stay quiet much longer. The threat of the CRPD still looms, while the PRA is making steady progress in the U.S. House. Please continue to support us and stay informed. We count on you to continue to stand with us as we work together to protect your parental rights.

Thank you in advance for the victories we will share together!


Michael Ramey
Director of Communications & Research

Monday, July 15, 2013

When a coup is NOT a coup

Recently, Egyptian President Mohmmed Morsi was overthrown in a military coup.

And so of course President Obama's reaction was to send a military junta F-16's.

This is illegal.

But in all all too familiar story the Obama Administration is ignoring the law.

I wrote a piece of The Washington Times detailing how President Obama is skirting American law and why this is issue in Egypt is so vital.

I hope you'll take a few moments to read my op-ed below and, chip in a contribution so I can continue to lead the fight to strengthen our national security by cutting off taxpayer money to radical regimes.

In Liberty,

Senator Rand Paul

Paul: The coup that isn’t as Obama disregards his duty to cut off Egyptian aid

Egypt has undergone a coup, deposed its leader and the military has installed a new president. The situation is unpredictable, unstable and volatile. The country remains in a state of unrest.

What do we do? We send them F-16s.

U.S. law states that we can’t send military and other types of aid to any country whose duly elected head of state is deposed by a coup. U.S. law clearly says that we cannot send such aid where the military plays a decisive role in the coup.

This law allows no presidential waiver. Aid cannot be reconsidered or restored until a democratically elected government is elected.

Yet, as President Obama has so often done with other laws and even the Constitution, he ignores it.

The Obama administration has refused to acknowledge that the military takeover in Egypt is a coup. When asked directly to spell out the State Department’s definition of a coup, spokeswoman Jen Psaki refused, saying only that, “I’m happy to get you that, but I wouldn’t ascribe, you know, specific words. Each scenario is different. And if you need our specific, formal, government definition, we’ll get that around to everybody.”

The State Department has yet to send a response.

We once had a president who parsed the meaning of the word “is.” Now we have a president who denies a coup has taken place in Egypt when, by any conventional definition, it most certainly has. The president of Egypt was placed under house arrest. The military took over the television stations. The military took control of local police and all forms of local and national government.

Still, Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told CNN, “If this were to be seen as a coup, then it would limit our ability to have the kind of relationship we think we need with the Egyptian armed forces.”

Thursday morning, it was reported that this relationship included delivering four F-16 fighter jets to Egypt in the next few weeks in addition to the eight we sent in January. Another eight are scheduled to ship later this year.

To what end?

In January 2011, some of the jets we gave to President Hosni Mubarak were used to intimidate protesters — the same people whose protests helped to overthrow Mr. Mubarak and replace him with Mohammed Morsi. Not surprisingly, Gallup reported in February 2012 that 71 percent of Egyptians opposed U.S. foreign aid to their country.

When both Mr. Mubarak and Mr. Morsi were overthrown, protesters held signs criticizing U.S. aid to “dictators.”

It should also be noted that when the Egyptian military helped oust Mr. Mubarak — the classic definition of a coup d’etat — the Obama administration also declined to acknowledge even then that a coup had taken place.

When we continued giving F-16s to Mr. Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood after Mr. Mubarak, I offered an amendment to stop military aid to Egypt.

It was defeated 79-19.

The United States has cut off weapons aid in the past after military officers overthrew civilian governments in the Ivory Coast, the Central African Republic, Fiji, Honduras and Mali. In Egypt, however, where the regimes are constantly changing, our foreign-aid policy never does.

This week, I introduced legislation again that would cut off foreign aid to Egypt. We either have a nation of laws, or we don’t. If we are a nation of laws, foreign aid to Egypt should immediately end.

If instead, we are now just governed by popular prejudice and unlimited executive ability to contravene the law, then perhaps we should be looking at Washington to determine whether or not a coup has occurred.