you hear the one about a state representative who resigned from a state
Common Core Educational Standards committee because it “involved the
most extreme national interest groups on education in planning and
executing official Legislative hearings”? While she was pointing to The
John Birch Society, our American Opinion affiliate, and the Tea Party,
we believe she left out the ultra-liberal Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation, the National Governors Association, and the Council of Chief
State School Officers, not to mention other various institutions,
foundations, teacher unions, and trade associations who took money to
promote Common Core standards.
professional educators were on the Common Core Validation Committee,
but in the end both refused to give their support to the standards.
These were Dr. Sandra Stotsky and Dr. James Milgram. Both of whom flew
to Wisconsin to testify against the standards. But what did the media
choose to focus on? They focused on who paid the travel expenses to
bring these and other experts in.
--JBS; 110413