Friday, February 15, 2013

Attempting to Repeal...

Do you remember June 28, 2012?

I do. That was the day the Supreme Court incorrectly ruled that Obamacare could stand as law of the land.

That dark day is etched permanently into my memory having ignited a fire within me that'll burn until the day Obamacare is repealed.

In Washington, Democrats and Republicans both have accepted Obamacare and have moved on to other "issues of the day" as if they never really cared.

But I refuse to allow Obamacare to stand.

I'm still mad as hell, as if I just heard the decision this morning.

Just because the Supreme Court ruled on the issue, doesn't make it right.

Make no mistake, Obamacare was and still is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

I want to share with you my op-ed published in the USA Today discussing how badly Justice Roberts' decision on Obamacare trampled the boundaries of our Constitution.

Sign the petition by clicking the link below.

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