Saturday, March 30, 2013

Dr. Ben Carson stands for "Traditional" Marriage

Johns Hopkins students are campaigning to have Dr. Ben Carson pulled from this year's commencement speaker line-up, in response to comments the well-known neurosurgeon, a critic of the Obama administration, made about gay marriage.
Carson has since said he apologizes for having offended anyone and indicated he might withdraw from the commencement role, though he says his words are being misconstrued.
Carson -- who rocketed to political fame after criticizing President Obama's policies during the National Prayer Breakfast, which Obama attended -- made the gay marriage comments on Fox News Tuesday night.
Host Sean Hannity asked Carson his opinion on same-sex marriage, given the Supreme Court's consideration of two gay marriage cases this week.
"Marriage is between a man and a woman," Carson said. "It's a well-established, fundamental pillar of society and no group, be they gays, be they NAMBLA, be they people who believe in bestiality -- it doesn't matter what they are, they don't get to change the definition."
Students accused Carson of effectively comparing "gay relationships with pedophilia and bestiality."
The Health and Human Rights Student Group began circulating a petition, linked out of its Facebook page, challenging Carson's selection as the 2013 commencement speaker for the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.
"At the time of his nomination, Dr. Carson was known to most of us as a world-class neurosurgeon and passionate advocate for education. Many of us had read his books and looked up to him as a role model in our careers," the group said. "Since then, however, several public events have cast serious doubt on the appropriateness of having Dr. Carson speak at our graduation."
The group cited his gay marriage comments, but also his comments at the National Prayer Breakfast -- Carson was hailed by conservatives, and even landed a speaking role at the Conservative Political Action Conference, for his remarks in February.
The commencement address may be in doubt.
Asked about the students' objections, Carson on Friday told MSNBC it's "their day and the last thing I would want to do is rain on their parade."
Asked whether he's told the university he would not deliver the address, Carson said he was "waiting for appropriate channels."
Carson also told the Baltimore Sun that people "have completely taken the wrong meaning out of what I was saying."
He added:  "Now perhaps the examples were not the best choice of words, and I certainly apologize if I offended anyone. But the point that I was making was that no group of individuals, whoever they are, whatever their belief systems, gets to change traditional definitions."

WoW! I wish we could do the same...

It ain't easy being No. 2.
Vice President Biden is taking his third vacation in as many months, spending the Easter weekend on an island off the coast of South Carolina.
The vice president and his wife, Jill Biden, arrived Thursday at Kiawah Island, near Charleston.
Despite budget cuts, and a decision to cancel White House tours in order to save the Secret Service money, the vacation schedules of those the Service protects do not appear to have been hampered.
Biden and the fam took a trip in February to Snowmass in Colorado. And, while President Obama went to Hawaii, Biden celebrated the new year in January by kicking back in the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Obama caught criticism for himself taking a golf trip to Florida while the sequester loomed, particularly after the decision this month to cancel White House tours. He has since said he'd consider opening them back up to school groups. By one estimate, the tours cost about $74,000 a week.
Biden will return to South Carolina in May when he headlines the annual Jefferson Jackson Dinner, a fundraiser that the South Carolina Democratic Party is holding in Columbia.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Rand Paul's Standing for YOU

Last Friday, the Senate ran through a 12-hour voting session before recessing, ending at nearly 5:00 AM Saturday morning.

The Democrats in the Senate had finally agreed, after four years, to offer their own budget.

I wish I could say it was worth the wait, but it was more of the same.

A lot more.

More taxes, more big government, and more trillion dollar deficits.

The Senate is now on recess for two weeks. And when it comes back in session, the fights will only be more intense - and the stakes even higher, as you will see.

During this time, my hope is you and I can kick off a grassroots wave of opposition against the threats we can clearly see building.

And I'll continue to take the lead in the U.S. Senate fighting for our country's future and our values.

You see, not only did I oppose the Democrats' outlandish budget but I also got to use those twelve hours to offer some of my own ideas.

 I proposed and forced a Senate vote on the only five year balanced budget, my Clear Vision to Revitalize American plan.

My budget would cut taxes AND spending. It would eliminate four cabinet agencies and stop our out-of-control deficit spending. In fact, it would pay down $2 trillion in debt in just 10 years.

But that's just the beginning. I also proposed amendments that would:
*** Cut of foreign aid to Egypt and Pakistan, countries that burn our flag;
*** Stop taxpayer funding of union activities to keep American tax payers from footing Big Labor's bills;
*** Ban the use of domestic drones used to spy on the American people;
*** Privatize the TSA, which has become bloated, inefficient, and ineffective;
*** Rein in the out-of-control EPA, whose outrageous restrictions and regulations drive up the price at the pump and create massive new barriers to job creation and economic growth;
*** Pull the U.S. OUT of the United Nations, which has proven itself to be hostile to liberty and freedom. In fact, they're finalizing the U.N.'s "Small Arms Treaty" right now;
*** Stop the Senate from banning guns and forming a national gun registry - two key parts of the U.N.'s "Small Arms Treaty."
In all, I proposed 15 amendments last week, fighting for our values and future.

It has been a long few weeks.

From my 13-hour filibuster to our big win at CPAC, I have counted on your support every step of the way, and you have been there.

But when the Senate goes back into session in two weeks, some of the most important battles of the Obama presidency will take place.

Just consider what's at stake:


This long-awaited fight will be at the top of the U.S. Senate's agenda when they go back into session. And soft-drink banning New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's anti-gun group has just announced he'll be spending $12 million to turn up the heat on the U.S. Senators.

My plan is to draw a line in the sand saying "no more gun control." But it's never been more important Second Amendment supporters mobilize and fight back NOW.


Majority Leader Harry Reid and President Obama are preparing to steamroll Republican opposition in the U.S. Senate, with effectively the same failed plan Republicans were fooled into accepting in the 1980s with phony future promises of border security.

Any immigration plan MUST begin with border security. PERIOD. My immigration plan does just that and protects those who want to come to the U.S. legally to work hard and make better lives.


During the budget fight, the Senate passed a resolution the big taxers have been wanting for years.

Under the National Internet Sales Tax, big-taxing states like New York and California would be able to start taxing online retailers in low-tax states like Texas. Fortunately, the resolution was non-binding. But it means this will likely be a MAJOR fight in the coming months.

Even with everything at stake, I'm afraid some of my colleagues - even within my own Republican Party - aren't committed to the fight.

I know YOU can help turn the tide.

But I must be able to count on your help going forward, as we continue the fight for our principles during the critical fights that lay ahead.

So if you haven't yet done so, please sign your Statement of Republican Principles petition.

If you already have signed the petition, please agree to forward to at least two or three friends.

My hope is that my colleagues' desks will be flooded with these petitions when the Senate goes back into session.

I can tell you, the impact you're having in Congress is incredible - and is making a tremendous difference.

But these next several weeks will be critical.

I'm standing for you in Congress. Please continue to stand with me.

In Liberty,

Senator Rand Paul

P.S. After a flurry of last-minute madness, the Senate has now recessed for two weeks. But when it goes back into session, some of the most important battles of the Obama presidency will take place.

I must be able to count on your help going forward, as we continue the fight for our principles during the critical fights that lay ahead.

So if you haven't yet done so, please sign your Statement of Republican Principles petition.

If you already have signed the petition, please agree to forward to at least two or three friends.

And if you can chip in just $10 or $20 to stand with, I'd truly appreciate it. Thank you for all you do.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Obamacare (crap) turns 3

Today marks the three-year anniversary since the passage of one of the worst federal government boondoggles in history.

But even as it's $2.6 TRILLION price tag threatens to bankrupt the federal government -- and massive Medicare expansions are set to drive state governments to the brink -- some are saying it's time to give up the fight to repeal the horrific ObamaCare law.

I think they're wrong. Dead wrong.

Do you want to pass down a ravaged America to future generations?

I'm not going to allow ObamaCare to destroy this great nation that generations of patriots spent their lives to build.

If you agree, please sign the Repeal ObamaCare Petition.

After three years, I still believe ObamaCare is unconstitutional.

Just because a majority of the Supreme Court declared Obamacare to be "constitutional" does not make it so.

I was elected to serve in Washington to fight with force and ferocity for limited government, individual liberty, and the Constitution.

While I've faced, in just a few short years, hundreds -- maybe thousands -- of threats to our God-given rights, none is more disastrous than ObamaCare.

Never before has such an unconstitutional monstrosity been unlawfully imposed on the American people.

And it's destructive effects are already being felt.

Just recently, the IRS reported the cheapest ObamaCare plan for a family of four will cost roughly $20,000 per year by 2016 -- a 20% increase that those same families are currently paying.

And if you can't afford such a plan?

You could be facing fines of at least $2,085 per year, which is expected to take more than $10 billion from hard-working families who are already struggling because of their healthcare costs.

ObamaCare is a horrendous intrusion against everything America stands for, I will continue to fight relentlessly until ObamaCare is repealed.

Will you stand with me and sign your Repeal ObamaCare Petition TODAY?

Even though major provisions of ObamaCare (such as healthcare exchanges, Medicaid expansion, and individual/employer mandates) will not take effect until 2014, we can look around in our local communities and see the detriment this bill has already caused businesses and families.

Companies, big and small, simply cannot keep up with the increased healthcare costs and regulations set forth by ObamaCare.

Business owners are left with no other option but to cut hours, employees and company healthcare plans just to stay competitive -- forcing them to abandon their dreams of expanding their businesses and creating more opportunities for others to find work.

Sadly, the ObamaCare power grab doesn't stop there.

The Florida Medical Association recently revealed their concern over the growing shortage of doctors caused by ObamaCare.

On top of all that, medical providers are having trouble compensating for the cost of higher insurance premiums, new payroll taxes, capital-gains, and excise taxes.

As doctor I do not want to lose my relationship with my patients simply because government is getting in the way.

It is time you and I stand up and fight for our constitutional rights, safeguard our civil liberties, and take our economic wellbeing into our own hands by repealing ObamaCare once and for all.

That's why it's VITAL you sign your Repeal ObamaCare Petition Immediately.

The total estimated cost of ObamaCare for American taxpayers is expected to surpass $1.3 Trillion over the next 10 years.

Even basic math tells us that this is simply unsustainable.

But the politicians in Washington just don't get it.

With three-quarters of Americans opposed to ObamaCare, the President and those fighting so hard to have it implemented is doing nothing but ignore and force you to accept this unconstitutional law.

So please sign your Repeal ObamaCare Petition TODAY.

And after you sign, please make a generous contribution to help me continue the fight against ObamaCare.

Let Obama and his cronies in Washington know we will not sit idly by while they destroy the Constitution.

We will not allow our government to trample over small business, getting in the way of their full potential and economic prosperity.

We will not give into the idea that government leads the way in the 21st century to ensure better healthcare for ourselves and our children, but rather a free-market approach that tells government to get out of the way.

Our liberty and economy is at stake.

So please sign your Repeal ObamaCare Petition and make a generous contribution IMMEDIATELY.

I can't do this without your support.

In Liberty,

Senator Rand Paul

P.S. ObamaCare turns three today, and its devastating effects are already being felt.

We can't leave an America ravaged by ObamaCare to future generations.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Absolutely Outrageous


March 20, 2013
National Database of School Children Launched
Last week the SXSWedu Technology Conference in Austin, Texas, featured a new project that has many educational technology companies very excited – and that has many parents angry and deeply concerned. The project is called inBloom – a massive national database of personal information on public school students – and it is already up and running. Largely funded by the pro-internationalist Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the $100 million project contains information on millions of children to date.

So far, at least 9 states are using or planning to use the system: Colorado, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, New York, and North Carolina.

But parents in New York are furious that their child’s information is being shared with private companies “to create a national database for businesses that contract with public schools,” according to the New York Daily News.

Data being stored includes identifying information such as name, address, and social security number, along with school grades, attendance, and even information on hobbies, interests, and attitudes toward school.

School boards and education materials producers are very excited. Product Manager Jeffrey Olen of CompassLearning, an education software company, told Reuters, “This is going to be a huge win for us.” And Brandon Williams, a director at the Illinois State Board of Education, told them, “We look at personalized learning as the next big leap forward in education.”

But parents are equally "excited" – and deeply concerned – about all of that data being collected about their child and stored in a massive database with nationwide access by anyone with whom the school system would like to share it. And that’s saying nothing of hackers who might get at it illegally.

The Electronic Privacy Law Center in Washington is suing the U.S. Department of Education over this issue. Their administrative counsel, Khaliah Barnes, told the Daily News, “It’s a lot of smoke and mirrors. What happens if a company using the data is compromised? What happens if the company goes out of business? We don’t know the answers.”

Donna Lieberman of the New York Civil Liberties Union is also concerned. “Turning massive amounts of personal data about public school students to a private corporation without any public input is profoundly disturbing and irresponsible,” she told the Daily News. Her organization has blasted the state for not giving parents any notice of the plan or the opportunity to opt their child out of the program.

But the committee that oversees implementation of the United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) would be proud. They routinely include the following in their Concluding Observations to a nation’s periodic report on CRC implementation: “The Committee reiterates its recommendation for the State party to set up a national and comprehensive data collection system and to analyse the data collected as a basis for consistently assessing progress achieved in the realization of child rights and to help design policies and programmes to strengthen the implementation of the Convention.”i

With inBloom building a comprehensive national database to track students from Kindergarten through high school, much of that work will already be done in the United States.

Those who believe there is no need for a Parental Rights Amendment tend to fall into one of two groups. Either they believe the government would never really threaten the right of fit parents to direct the upbringing of their child, or they believe the government would make better decisions than most parents. Secretly shipping personal and educational data on millions of school students to a private corporation seems like an excellent way to prove both of these groups wrong. Far more important, it leaves the identities, reputations, privacy, and future of our children at stake.
Action Items
1. Sign the petition. If you haven’t already done so, please visit to sign up in support of the Parental Rights Amendment. (If you received this email directly from, you are already signed up.) The Amendment will codify in the U.S. Constitution the fundamental right of parents to direct the upbringing, education, and care of their children; it would also prevent ratification of such intrusive treaties as the United Nations’ CRC.

2. Pass this email to as many friends and family as you can who might be concerned over this privacy violation in the public schools of America. While you’re at it, encourage them to sign the petition and join the fight to protect children by empowering their parents.

3. Sign up to volunteer. If you’d like to be more actively involved in your region, whether it is to pass a statute or resolution in your state, or just to help spread the word where you live, please fill out our volunteer form. Done that already? Email

4. Make a generous donation to to support our ongoing efforts to halt threats such as these. Or, if you love liberty and have not yet received Michael Farris's DVD series Constitutional Literacy, you might want to donate during a special offer period coming this Friday.*

Together we can empower parents, and empowered parents can halt the invasion of their children’s privacy. Thank you for teaming with us to protect our children by preserving parental rights.


Michael Ramey
Director of Communications & Research

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Welcome to THE GUN SHOW

Fighting for Gun Rights
At a time when gun control might have been easy to get passed, an unprecedented reaction to the heavy hand of government control reveals itself across the country.
As of today, 348 sheriffs and 14 sheriffs associations have publicly stepped forward to let the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association know that they will not be enforcing any new federal gun control regulations.
Similarly, firearms and related manufacturers have publicly announced they will not be selling to any state, county, city or municipality that restrict gun rights. Dubbed the Firearms Equality Movement, nearly 130 companies have signed on.
Plus, 32 states have now introduced bills nullifying any new federal gun control measures. Five of these have passed one chamber.
What can we take away from this? That there certainly are options when Congress fails. The states have delegated to Congress enumerated powers. When Congress steps over these powers, states have an obligation to stand up and act in defense of its citizens.
Yet, there are state legislators who are not willing to step forward to defend citizens against equally egregious government oversteps, including ObamaCare, NDAA Indefinite Detention and many foolish and harmful regulations foisted upon industry through unelected and virtually unaccountable federal bureaucratic agencies.
Use the gun control nullification as an example of what states should be doing. Talk to your legislators about being just as passionate about protecting all of our God-given rights, not just the right to bear arms.

If You Thought the NAU Was Bad-- Here Comes the TTIP
If you haven't heard of the proposed North American Union (NAU), it is a push to further harmonize the economic, trade, security, and business industries of North America. In effect, this dilutes and delegates our sovereignty to regional entities (much like NAFTA tribunals have done for deciding American/Canadian/Mexican business disputes). The European Union is another example of this. JBS fought hard against the NAU in 2007 by exposing it.
Now comes the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership that proposes to integrate the economies of the EU and the US. However, as we've learned from the example of the EU, political integration follows economic integration.
JBS will continue monitoring this and is gearing up an action project to expose the intent of this agreement.
Are You on the List?
The Southern Poverty Law Center released last week its annual hate and extremism report for 2012. The SPLC has been exposed time and time again for manufacturing and fundraising off of fear, while smearing conservative, Constitutional and Christian organizations for its own gain.
Once again, The John Birch Society makes the "Patriot" list. Many in the liberty movement consider this a badge of honor.
USA Today asked us for comment and The New American covered both the report and the separate JBS profile the SPLC included.
— JBS Weekly Member Update —
March 11, 2013

We ALL need a little laugh now and then:


Dear Abby,
My husband has a long record of money problems. He runs up huge credit card bills and at the end of the month, if I try to pay them off, he shouts at me, saying I am stealing his money. He says pay the minimum and let our kids worry about the rest, but already we can hardly keep up with the interest. Also he has been so arrogant and abusive toward our neighbors that most of them no longer speak to us. The few that do are an odd bunch to whom he has been giving a lot of expensive gifts, running up our bills even more. Also, he has gotten religious. One week he hangs out with Catholics and the next with people who say the Pope is the Anti-Christ. Then he goes out with Jews and is anti-Semitic behind their backs. Next he's laughing it up with Muslims. Finally, the last straw - he's demanding that before anyone can be in the same room with him, they must sign a confidentiality pact. It's just so horribly creepy. Can you help?
Dear Lost,
Suck it up and stop whining, Michelle. You get to live in the White House for free, travel the world with your friends, your daughters and their friends, and have others pay for everything for you. You can divorce the jerk any time you want. The rest of us are stuck with the idiot for 4 more years.

Golly...Stand with Rand!

"There's no question this Rand Paul business has totally upset the power structure in Washington, the Senate particularly... McCain has called senators Paul and Cruz 'wacko birds.' Senator McCain is calling them wacko birds because of the filibuster." -Rush Limbaugh

Rush is right. Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham, together with the mainstream media establishment, are striking back hard because they know that Rand Paul’s filibuster was a huge game-changer... and they're desperately trying to put the cork back in the bottle.

They're going out of their way to send real conservatives in Congress a clear warning: 'Don't get any smart ideas or we'll demonize you... we'll make you look like fools... we'll end your political careers... in short, we'll crush you.'

And guess what? If real conservatives in Congress don't hear from you right now... unless you drown-out the veiled threats from the media and the political elites... real conservatives in Congress WILL heed that ominous warning.

Congress needs to hear from you right now... but not just those who are against us, but
those who are with us as well, because they need to know that patriotic Americans, like you, have their backs.

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every one of the Members of the Republican Leadership. Or alternatively, send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Republican Member of the United States Senate and the United States House Of Representatives.

Send My Blast Faxes
Rush Went On To Say....
"I'm telling you the power structure there has been totally turned upside down, in the Senate and in Washington. ... One guy stood up and dared challenge the regime. When you boil it all down, that's what happened. That's how absent that kind of behavior has been. I mean, it's important it went for 13 hours, but still, somebody did it. Somebody challenged the administration and they're alive today to talk about it, and they're heroes. They're heroes."

What happened is NOT about Rand Paul. It's bigger than that. As Rush said, "one guy stood up and dared challenge the regime" ... and, in the view of the political establishment, if what is happening in Washington is not squashed... and pronto... then someone else is going to get the idea that they can do it too.

Pretty soon the situation will get “out-of-control,” as they see it, and politicians in Washington may actually be forced to start doing what the American people want... God forbid.

That's why the political elites are isolating and demonizing Rand Paul... making what happened in Washington about HIM and NOT about WHAT HE DID.

The sad truth is that far too many of them will not oppose Barack Obama at the expense of not conducting business-as-usual in Washington.

In other words, in the minds of the John McCains and Lindsey Grahams, what Senator Paul did is MORE of a threat than what Barack Obama is doing to this country.

You don't have to like Rand Paul or agree with Rand Paul to understand that he just fired a shot that was heard around the world, and now it's time for patriotic Americans to take up political arms and help finish what he just started.

Yes, the political elites are hoping you'll forget what happened... they're praying that you'll just move on... and that's why it is imperative to keep what was started going... while the iron is still hot... and the memory of what just happened is still fresh in their minds.

Tell our elected officials, right here and right now, that what Rand Paul did should be only the beginning. The American people are DEMANDING THAT THEY JOIN PAUL TO DO EVEN MORE TO STAND UP TO BARACK OBAMA AND HIS ADMINISTRATION’S DESTRUCTIVE POLICIES.

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every one of the Members of the Republican Leadership. Or alternatively, send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Republican Member of the United States Senate and the United States House Of Representatives.

Send My Blast Faxes
As Paul Filibustered... Twelve Republicans Were Dining With Barack Obama At A Fancy Hotel.
It's an aside that's worth noting. While Rand Paul, joined by Senators Ted Cruz, Mike Lee and Marco Rubio, among a few others, were busting their humps for 13 long hours, actively opposing the Obama agenda, 12 Republican Senators were having an expensive impromptu dinner at a fancy hotel with Barack Obama.

That just about says it all... doesn't it...?

And since some will ask, the list of "Republican" Senators who dined with Obama were as follows: Lindsey Graham, Bob Corker, Kelly Ayotte, John McCain, Dan Coats, Tom Coburn, Richard Burr, Mike Johanns, Pat Toomey, Ron Johnson, John Hoeven and Saxby Chambliss.

In all fairness, not all twelve of those Senators were opposed to what Rand Paul was doing on the Senate floor. Indeed, some of them ultimately joined Senator Paul on the Senate floor to stand in support of his efforts. But some of the RINOs at the Obama dinner did not and some are even working to discredit Paul –ALL because Paul had the audacity to finally stand up and do something to take a stand against the Obama agenda.

In other words, as these RINOs privately dined and joked with Barack Obama, another United States Senator was mounting a filibuster to the nomination of John Brennan because Barack Obama refused to give him a simple assurance that he WOULD NOT use drones to kill Americans on U.S. soil.

And there are far too many issues out there that cry for our elected officials to repeat the performance:

Ironically, just a few short days ago, Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham also vowed to block the Brennan nomination until Barack Obama finally comes clean on Benghazi-Gate.

So where were Senators McCain and Graham? They were chowing-down with Barack Obama. Where was THEIR filibuster? It apparently didn't come with the salad course. As a matter of fact, The Washington Examinerreported: "President Obama and the Republican senators he hosted for dinner tonight reportedly did not discuss the ongoing filibuster led by Sen. Rand Paul..." And yes, the very next day, they both had the nerve to castigate Paul on the floor of the Senate. ... UNBELIEVABLE...

Barack Obama's Department of Homeland Security (DHS) just released thousands of criminal illegal aliens from prison. No one apparently knows who actually gave the order but somehow they know that they're planning to release thousands more this month. Where are our Republican leaders? That sound you hear is the chirping of crickets.

And that same Department of Homeland Security has just procured 2,700 urban assault tanks. Why is no one in Washington asking DHS why they need 2,700 urban assault vehicles?

House Republicans, who promised to both defund ObamaCare and dock Harry Reid's pay if he didn't produce a budget, just passed another Continuing Resolution for the rest of the year that fully funds ObamaCare.

We could go on... but do we need to go on?

Make no mistake, the light of day has just been cast on a lie that has been perpetuated in Washington for far too long... that it's impossible (or even difficult) to stop the radical Obama agenda.

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every one of the Members of the Republican Leadership. Or alternatively, send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Republican Member of the United States Senate and the United States House Of Representatives.

Yours In Freedom
Center For Individual Freedom

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Sex Kindergarten?!

March 5, 2013
Kindergarten Sex Ed Back in the News
Well, it’s back: the threat of sexuality education to children in kindergarten, this time in Chicago’s public schools.

According to an article last week from, the district has proposed adopting “national sexuality education standards” to address sexual orientation and bullying for the first time. The article explains that children as young as 4 or 5 years old will “learn about appropriate and inappropriate touching and feelings,” while students in fourth grade, in fifth grade, and so on, will learn progressively more.

But how can they be following “national sexuality education standards” if the Department of Education has no authority to issue nationwide standards for education in the states? As it turns out, the Department of Education has nothing to do with it.

The so-called “standards” that Chicago schools are eager to adopt come from FoSE – “Future of Sex Education” – a group of “sexuality education experts” who got together and came up with the standards they would like to see, then offered them to schools as a “national standard.” The guidebook has not ever been adopted by any authority that could make it truly a “national standard,” but that is beside the point. As long as enough school systems are willing to start robbing 5-year-olds of their childhood to promote sexuality, the “prophecy,” as it were, will eventually fulfill itself.

Which recalls to mind the very same thing going on at the international level through such United Nations bodies as the Committee on the Rights of the Child. These committees have been under review for the last several months in an effort to reign in the rampant abuses and inefficiency in the current process.

In the midst of this period of criticism, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has released a report in which she states that adolescent health depends on “comprehensive sexuality education and full access to confidential youth-friendly and evidence-based sexual and reproductive health services,” according to a report from the Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute, or C-FAM. But the report has itself come under fire from experts, organizations, and studies showing that the “comprehensive sexuality approach” may cause more harm than good.

C-Fam and their allies also contend that these bodies are taking on powers beyond their treaty mandates, anyway. The concept of “adolescent health,” for instance, is included in such instruments as the U.N.’s Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), but interpreting that to include “rights” to comprehensive sex education or to abortion without parental knowledge or consent is an authority the committee has taken upon itself. The nations ratifying these treaties provided the committees with no such authorization.

So let’s review. An unelected body of “experts” take upon themselves an authority to set sexuality standards calling on schools to provide students with certain types of information, whether the parents like it or not. We see it at the United Nations; we see it in FoSE; and now the Chicago School Board is ready to adopt those ideals and impose them on unsuspecting Illinois families.

Fortunately, parents do have a fundamental right to direct the education of their children. Fortunately, the Chicago School Board is willing to give a nod to this right by allowing an opt-out provision with their kindergarten program. At least for now.

But those rights are eroding at the federal level, and being consciously attacked at the U.N.

That’s why we need to see the right of parents to direct the upbringing and education of their children preserved in the U.S. Constitution. We need to ensure that international law will not become U.S. law through the adoption of these treaties – especially because “international experts” are using those treaties as authorization to change the rules for all of us. We need to ensure that the next time kindergarten sex-ed classes are discussed, the right to opt out hasn’t mysteriously disappeared from the table.
Action Items
1. Pass this email along to your friends, neighbors, and family members who care about what their children are being taught. Ask them to sign the online petition. Together we can preserve the right of parents to make those decisions. Spread the word to increase our voice!

2. Support us with your donation to*. As we fight to preserve parental rights by resisting these treaties, by passing a Parental Rights Amendment to prevent them permanently, and by passing better state laws for parents, your gifts sustain us.

3. If you are in Connecticut, we need you to call your state’s Public Health Committee to oppose SB 374. This bill is just like Proposed Bill 169 that we asked you to oppose a month ago, which would require mental health assessments for every student, whether in public schools or home schools, regardless of whether there were any signs that any concern was warranted. Please see this alert from our friends at HSLDA for contact details and what to say.

Thank you for standing with us to preserve childhood by protecting the right of parents to protect their own children from influences like those in the United Nations and the FoSE sex education standards.


Michael Ramey
Director of Communications & Research

Rand's Historic Filibuster

You'd just about have to be sitting under a rock to not know about this, but just in you go!

Did you hear about the Stand with Rand Money Bomb?

This Wednesday, as you know, I stood for 13 hours filibustering Senate business to defend our Constitution.

I could not just sit on the sidelines and allow the Obama Administration to openly disregard the Constitution by claiming the authority to use drones strikes to kill American citizens on American soil without due process.

Thanks to your support, the Obama Administration caved and finally gave me the answer I was asking for in writing.

You and I and millions of Americans stood together to send a clear message to the Obama Administration: We will not tolerate the trampling of our Constitution!

And today, I'm asking you to stand with me, once again, by signing your Defend the Constitution Petition and contributing to the Stand with Rand Money Bomb going on right now.

You see, the fight to restore liberty in America is far from over!

In fact, several Senators from my own party are defending President Obama and attacking me and those who stood with me, calling us "Wackos!"

This saddens me more than anything. I believe we need more strong men and women in Washington who are willing to fight for the principles you and I hold so dear.

If you agree, then it's time we send the same message to Congress that we sent to the Obama Administration!

Yesterday, I kicked off the Stand with Rand Money Bomb to raise $200,000 by Monday to put Congress in the hot seat.

That's why it's vital that you sign your Defend the Constitution Petition and donate to the Stand with Rand Money Bomb TODAY!

I will continue to stand up and fight for the Constitution, but I need you to stand with me TODAY.

Thank you for all that you do.

In Liberty,

Senator Rand Paul

P.S. You and I forced the Obama Administration to respect the Constitution, but now we must insist Congress do the same.


from Senator Rand

My 13-hour filibuster yesterday is being called one of the longest in U.S. history.

I had been trying for more than a week to get a straight answer on whether or not the Obama administration believed it had the authority to use drones to target and kill American citizens on American soil - without due process.

And after receiving a letter from Attorney General Eric Holder claiming they DO have that authority, I could no longer sit silently at my desk in the U.S. Senate.

So I stood for thirteen-straight hours to send a message to the Obama administration, I will do everything in my power to fight their attempts to ignore the Constitution!

Millions of Americans chose to stand with me and put President Obama, Attorney General Holder, and Congress in the spotlight...

And the good news is, it worked!

Just hours ago, I received a letter from Attorney General Holder declaring the President DOES NOT have the authority to use drones to kill Americans on U.S. soil.

Amanda, this shows what we can do when stand together and fight.

So won't you help me continue the fight to protect our Constitutional liberties today?

You see, this battle is far from over.

Today, our country is mired in $16.6 TRILLION in national debt. Unemployment is sky high. Assaults on our liberties from Congress are commonplace.

As the support I received during my filibuster yesterday showed, I'm hardly alone in Congress fighting back against this madness.

Yet instead of joining me in the fight to save our fragile republic, some even in my own party are resorting to attacking me!

They're defending the President and saying my question on whether or not the Obama administration believes it can kill Americans on American soil without due process "doesn't deserve an answer!"

Why don't the Washington, D.C. career politicians see the damage they're doing to our country?

Why are they quick to accept a dinner with Obama - and quick to strike a smoky backroom "deal" to grow government - but slow to listen to the millions of Americans all over the country who want their representatives in Washington, D.C. to fight for the limited government, constitutional principles you and I care so deeply about?

Is this the future you and I want for our Republican party or our country?

If you're anything like me, the answer to that question is a wholehearted "NO!"


Senator Paul just kicked off hour five of his filibuster!

The national media can't help but take notice!

In fact, the Drudge Report is calling Senator Paul's takeover of the Senate floor a "Randpage!"

Amanda, it's never been more important you stand with Senator Paul as he filibusters John Brennan's nomination as Director of the CIA in response to Attorney General Eric Holder's radical new claims.

As you know, Eric Holder has asserted the authority to use drone strikes to kill American citizens on American soil without due process and zero judicial oversight!

This can't be allowed to stand.

The good news is, the action from folks like you is making a tremendous difference!

Senators Cruz and Lee have now joined in support of the filibuster.

(from Liz S)


Drones Meant to Strike Us...On OUR Very Own Soil?!?!

from Senator Rand

I've just launched a floor takeover of the U.S. Senate.

My colleagues may want to believe everything is "business as usual" even after yesterday's news. But they're in for something else entirely.

Click on CSPAN if you'd like to watch...

But first, please realize it's never been more important you to stand with me today.

I'm going on a one-man filibuster to stop John Brennan's nomination to the CIA and the RADICAL new claim I received from Attorney General Eric Holder yesterday afternoon...

By now, you've probably heard that Eric Holder finally answered my question saying that President Obama CAN legally order drone strikes– killing American citizens on American soil – at will.

That's without any due process. That's without any judicial oversight.

This cannot be allowed to stand.

When I read Attorney General Holder's letter, I could hardly believe what I was reading.

Isn't government claiming the authority to assassinate its own citizens on its own soil something you hear about in Third World dictatorships?

Has our Republic really sunk this far?

Will Americans see our skies filled with government drones outfitted with missiles meant for us?

Already, domestic spy drones are being outfitted with the ability to track cell phones and detect if law-abiding citizens are carrying firearms.

This is outrageous.