Today marks the three-year anniversary since the passage of one of the worst federal government boondoggles in history.
But even as it's $2.6 TRILLION price tag threatens to bankrupt the federal government -- and massive Medicare expansions are set to drive state governments to the brink -- some are saying it's time to give up the fight to repeal the horrific ObamaCare law.
I think they're wrong. Dead wrong.
Do you want to pass down a ravaged America to future generations?
I'm not going to allow ObamaCare to destroy this great nation that generations of patriots spent their lives to build.
If you agree, please sign the Repeal ObamaCare Petition.
After three years, I still believe ObamaCare is unconstitutional.
Just because a majority of the Supreme Court declared Obamacare to be "constitutional" does not make it so.
I was elected to serve in Washington to fight with force and ferocity for limited government, individual liberty, and the Constitution.
While I've faced, in just a few short years, hundreds -- maybe thousands -- of threats to our God-given rights, none is more disastrous than ObamaCare.
Never before has such an unconstitutional monstrosity been unlawfully imposed on the American people.
And it's destructive effects are already being felt.
Just recently, the IRS reported the cheapest ObamaCare plan for a family of four will cost roughly $20,000 per year by 2016 -- a 20% increase that those same families are currently paying.
And if you can't afford such a plan?
You could be facing fines of at least $2,085 per year, which is expected to take more than $10 billion from hard-working families who are already struggling because of their healthcare costs.
ObamaCare is a horrendous intrusion against everything America stands for, I will continue to fight relentlessly until ObamaCare is repealed.
Will you stand with me and sign your Repeal ObamaCare Petition TODAY?
Even though major provisions of ObamaCare (such as healthcare exchanges, Medicaid expansion, and individual/employer mandates) will not take effect until 2014, we can look around in our local communities and see the detriment this bill has already caused businesses and families.
Companies, big and small, simply cannot keep up with the increased healthcare costs and regulations set forth by ObamaCare.
Business owners are left with no other option but to cut hours, employees and company healthcare plans just to stay competitive -- forcing them to abandon their dreams of expanding their businesses and creating more opportunities for others to find work.
Sadly, the ObamaCare power grab doesn't stop there.
The Florida Medical Association recently revealed their concern over the growing shortage of doctors caused by ObamaCare.
On top of all that, medical providers are having trouble compensating for the cost of higher insurance premiums, new payroll taxes, capital-gains, and excise taxes.
As doctor I do not want to lose my relationship with my patients simply because government is getting in the way.
It is time you and I stand up and fight for our constitutional rights, safeguard our civil liberties, and take our economic wellbeing into our own hands by repealing ObamaCare once and for all.
That's why it's VITAL you sign your Repeal ObamaCare Petition Immediately.
The total estimated cost of ObamaCare for American taxpayers is expected to surpass $1.3 Trillion over the next 10 years.
Even basic math tells us that this is simply unsustainable.
But the politicians in Washington just don't get it.
With three-quarters of Americans opposed to ObamaCare, the President and those fighting so hard to have it implemented is doing nothing but ignore and force you to accept this unconstitutional law.
So please sign your Repeal ObamaCare Petition TODAY.
And after you sign, please make a generous contribution to help me continue the fight against ObamaCare.
Let Obama and his cronies in Washington know we will not sit idly by while they destroy the Constitution.
We will not allow our government to trample over small business, getting in the way of their full potential and economic prosperity.
We will not give into the idea that government leads the way in the 21st century to ensure better healthcare for ourselves and our children, but rather a free-market approach that tells government to get out of the way.
Our liberty and economy is at stake.
So please sign your Repeal ObamaCare Petition and make a generous contribution IMMEDIATELY.
I can't do this without your support.
In Liberty,
Senator Rand Paul
P.S. ObamaCare turns three today, and its devastating effects are already being felt.
We can't leave an America ravaged by ObamaCare to future generations.
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