Rush is right. Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham, together with the mainstream media establishment, are striking back hard because they know that Rand Paul’s filibuster was a huge game-changer... and they're desperately trying to put the cork back in the bottle.
They're going out of their way to send real conservatives in Congress a clear warning: 'Don't get any smart ideas or we'll demonize you... we'll make you look like fools... we'll end your political careers... in short, we'll crush you.'
And guess what? If real conservatives in Congress don't hear from you right now... unless you drown-out the veiled threats from the media and the political elites... real conservatives in Congress WILL heed that ominous warning.
Congress needs to hear from you right now... but not just those who are against us, but those who are with us as well, because they need to know that patriotic Americans, like you, have their backs.
Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every one of the Members of the Republican Leadership. Or alternatively, send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Republican Member of the United States Senate and the United States House Of Representatives.
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Rush Went On To Say....
What happened is NOT about Rand Paul. It's bigger than that. As Rush said, "one guy stood up and dared challenge the regime" ... and, in the view of the political establishment, if what is happening in Washington is not squashed... and pronto... then someone else is going to get the idea that they can do it too.
Pretty soon the situation will get “out-of-control,” as they see it, and politicians in Washington may actually be forced to start doing what the American people want... God forbid.
That's why the political elites are isolating and demonizing Rand Paul... making what happened in Washington about HIM and NOT about WHAT HE DID.
The sad truth is that far too many of them will not oppose Barack Obama at the expense of not conducting business-as-usual in Washington.
In other words, in the minds of the John McCains and Lindsey Grahams, what Senator Paul did is MORE of a threat than what Barack Obama is doing to this country.
You don't have to like Rand Paul or agree with Rand Paul to understand that he just fired a shot that was heard around the world, and now it's time for patriotic Americans to take up political arms and help finish what he just started.
Yes, the political elites are hoping you'll forget what happened... they're praying that you'll just move on... and that's why it is imperative to keep what was started going... while the iron is still hot... and the memory of what just happened is still fresh in their minds.
Tell our elected officials, right here and right now, that what Rand Paul did should be only the beginning. The American people are DEMANDING THAT THEY JOIN PAUL TO DO EVEN MORE TO STAND UP TO BARACK OBAMA AND HIS ADMINISTRATION’S DESTRUCTIVE POLICIES.
Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every one of the Members of the Republican Leadership. Or alternatively, send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Republican Member of the United States Senate and the United States House Of Representatives.
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As Paul Filibustered... Twelve Republicans Were Dining With Barack Obama At A Fancy Hotel.
That just about says it all... doesn't it...?
And since some will ask, the list of "Republican" Senators who dined with Obama were as follows: Lindsey Graham, Bob Corker, Kelly Ayotte, John McCain, Dan Coats, Tom Coburn, Richard Burr, Mike Johanns, Pat Toomey, Ron Johnson, John Hoeven and Saxby Chambliss.
In all fairness, not all twelve of those Senators were opposed to what Rand Paul was doing on the Senate floor. Indeed, some of them ultimately joined Senator Paul on the Senate floor to stand in support of his efforts. But some of the RINOs at the Obama dinner did not and some are even working to discredit Paul –ALL because Paul had the audacity to finally stand up and do something to take a stand against the Obama agenda.
In other words, as these RINOs privately dined and joked with Barack Obama, another United States Senator was mounting a filibuster to the nomination of John Brennan because Barack Obama refused to give him a simple assurance that he WOULD NOT use drones to kill Americans on U.S. soil.
And there are far too many issues out there that cry for our elected officials to repeat the performance:
We could go on... but do we need to go on?
Make no mistake, the light of day has just been cast on a lie that has been perpetuated in Washington for far too long... that it's impossible (or even difficult) to stop the radical Obama agenda.
Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every one of the Members of the Republican Leadership. Or alternatively, send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Republican Member of the United States Senate and the United States House Of Representatives.
Yours In Freedom
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