On the
"Today Show", Matt Lauer
interviewed one of the wives of one of the Navy
Seals killed along with the US ambassador in
He asked, "What she would say to her children
about their dad and how she would want them to
remember him." Her answer, and I quote, "His
love for Christ",
and then continued on with a few other things.
Throughout the day and on MSN homepage,
replaying the story they have edited the "Love
of Christ"
part out. Why? Because using the
word Christ
might offend someone! Well, I am a
Christian and I am offended! I'm offended
that they would edit it out. Offended that we as
Christians are asked to tread lightly so as not
to offend someone of another religion. I think
anyone who missed the original broadcast that
morning should know what NBC has done.
man loved his country and loved his God and gave
his life for both, just as Christ gave
His life for him.
Please feel free to copy
this and forward it to everyone on your email
list. There are e-mails
that go around saying, "If you believe in God"
then forward this. Well, I am starting one
right here, right now. I am not ashamed of
God, but I am becoming more ashamed of my
country. It is time to take a stand. GOD
Bless America! God Bless us one and all...
Please GOD, have mercy on us!
Friday, April 19, 2013
Sad Obituary
In 1887 Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years prior: "A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover
that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse over loose fiscal policy, (which is) always followed by a dictatorship."
"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:
From bondage to spiritual faith;
From spiritual faith to great courage;
From courage to liberty;
From liberty to abundance;
From abundance to complacency;
From complacency to apathy;
From apathy to dependence;
From dependence back into bondage."
The Obituary follows:
Born 1776, Died 2012
It doesn't hurt to read this several times.
Professor Joseph Olson of Hamline University School of Law in St. Paul, Minnesota, points out some interesting facts concerning the last Presidential election:
Number of States won by: Obama: 19 Romney: 29
Square miles of land won by: Obama: 580,000Romney: 2,427,000
Population of counties won by: Obama: 127 million Romney: 143 million
Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties wonby: Obama: 13.2 Romney: 2.1
Professor Olson adds: "In aggregate, the map of the territory Romney won was mostly the land owned by the taxpaying citizens of the country.
Obama territory mostly encompassed those citizens living in low income tenements and living off various forms of government welfare..."
Olson believes the United States is now somewhere between the
"complacency and apathy" phase of ProfessorTyler's definition of democracy, with some forty percent of the nation's population already having reached the "governmental dependency" phase.
If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million criminal invaders called illegals - and they vote - then we can say goodbye to the USA in fewer than five years.
If you are in favor of this, then by all means, delete this message.
If you are not, then pass this along to help everyone realize just how much is at stake, knowing that apathy is the greatest danger to our freedom..
"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:
From bondage to spiritual faith;
From spiritual faith to great courage;
From courage to liberty;
From liberty to abundance;
From abundance to complacency;
From complacency to apathy;
From apathy to dependence;
From dependence back into bondage."
The Obituary follows:
Born 1776, Died 2012
It doesn't hurt to read this several times.
Professor Joseph Olson of Hamline University School of Law in St. Paul, Minnesota, points out some interesting facts concerning the last Presidential election:
Number of States won by: Obama: 19 Romney: 29
Square miles of land won by: Obama: 580,000Romney: 2,427,000
Population of counties won by: Obama: 127 million Romney: 143 million
Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties wonby: Obama: 13.2 Romney: 2.1
Professor Olson adds: "In aggregate, the map of the territory Romney won was mostly the land owned by the taxpaying citizens of the country.
Obama territory mostly encompassed those citizens living in low income tenements and living off various forms of government welfare..."
Olson believes the United States is now somewhere between the
"complacency and apathy" phase of ProfessorTyler's definition of democracy, with some forty percent of the nation's population already having reached the "governmental dependency" phase.
If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million criminal invaders called illegals - and they vote - then we can say goodbye to the USA in fewer than five years.
If you are in favor of this, then by all means, delete this message.
If you are not, then pass this along to help everyone realize just how much is at stake, knowing that apathy is the greatest danger to our freedom..
Rand Paul's Newest Petition
Dear Friend,
For 40 years, nine unelected men and women on the Supreme Court have played God with innocent human life.
They have invented laws that condemned to painful deaths without trial more than 56 million babies for the crime of being "inconvenient."
In 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade ruling forced abortion-on-demand down our nation's throat.
In the past, many in the pro-life movement have felt limited to protecting a life here and there -- passing some limited law to slightly control abortion in the more outrageous cases.
But some pro-lifers always seem to tiptoe around the Supreme Court, hoping they won't be offended.
Now the time to grovel before the Supreme Court is over.
Working from what the Supreme Court ruled in Roe v. Wade, pro-life lawmakers can pass a Life at Conception Act and end abortion using the Constitution instead of amending it.
That is why it's so urgent you sign the petition to your Senators and Congressman that I will link to in a moment.
You see, in the coming year it is vital every Member of Congress be put on record.
And your petition today will help do just that.
Signing the Life at Conception Act petition will help break through the opposition clinging to abortion-on-demand and get a vote on this life-saving bill to overturn Roe v. Wade.
A Life at Conception Act declares unborn children "persons" as defined by the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, entitled to legal protection.
This is the one thing the Supreme Court admitted in Roe v. Wade that would cause the case for legal abortion to "collapse."
When the Supreme Court handed down its now-infamous Roe v. Wade decision, it did so based on a new, previously undefined "right of privacy" which it "discovered" in so-called "emanations" of "penumbrae" of the Constitution.
Of course, as constitutional law it was a disaster.
But never once did the Supreme Court declare abortion itself to be a constitutional right.
Instead the Supreme Court said:
"We need not resolve the difficult question of when life begins . . . the judiciary at this point in the development of man's knowledge is not in a position to speculate as to the answer."
Then the High Court made a key admission:
"If this suggestion of personhood is established, the appellant's case [i.e., "Roe" who sought an abortion], of course, collapses, for the fetus' right to life is then guaranteed specifically by the [14th] Amendment."
The fact is, the 14th Amendment couldn't be clearer:
". . . nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty or property, without due process of law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the law."
Furthermore, the 14th Amendment says:
"Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article."
That's exactly what a Life at Conception Act would do.
But this simple, logical and obviously right legislation will not become law without a fight.
And that's where your help is critical.
By turning up the heat on Congress in 2013 through a massive, national, grass-roots campaign, one of two things will happen.
If you and other pro-life activists pour on enough pressure, pro-lifers can force politicians from both parties who were elected on pro-life platforms to make good on their promises and ultimately win passage of this bill.
But even if a Life at Conception Act doesn't pass immediately, the public attention will set the stage to defeat radical abortionists in the next election.
Either way, the unborn win . . . unless you do nothing.
That's why the National Pro-Life Alliance is contacting hundreds of thousands of Americans just like you to mobilize a grass-roots army to pass a Life at Conception Act.
They are the key ingredient in the National Pro-Life Alliance's plan to pass a Life at Conception Act. They'll also organize:
... Hard-hitting TV, radio and
newspaper ads to be run just before each vote, detailing the horrors of abortion and mobilizing the American people.
... Extensive personal lobbying of key members of Congress by rank and file National Pro-Life
Alliance members and staff.
... A series of newspaper columns to be
distributed free to all 1,437 daily newspapers now published in the United States.
... An extensive email, direct mail and telephone campaign to generate at least one million petitions to Congress like the one linked to
in this letter.
Of course, to do all this will take a lot of money. Just to email and mail the letters necessary to produce one million petitions will cost at least $460,000.
Newspaper, TV and radio are even more expensive.
But I'm sure you'll agree pro-lifers cannot just sit by watching the slaughter continue.
The National Pro-Life Alliance's goal is to deliver one million petitions to the House and Senate in support of a Life at Conception Act.
When the bill comes up for a vote in Congress, it is crucial to have the full weight of an informed public backing the pro-life position.
I feel confident that the folks at National Pro-Life Alliance can gather those one million petitions.
But even though many Americans who receive this email will sign the petition, many won't be able to contribute. That's why it's vital you give $10, $25, $50, $100, or even more if you can.
Without your help the National Pro-Life Alliance will be unable to gather the one million petitions and mount the full-scale national campaign necessary to pass a Life at Conception Act.
A sacrificial gift of $35 or even $100 or $500 now could spare literally millions of innocent babies in years to come. But if that's too much, please consider chipping in with a donation of $10.
You should also know that a National Pro-Life Alliance supporter wants to make your decision to give easier by agreeing to match your donation, no matter the size, increasing its value by 50%!
And please help with a contribution of at least $25 or $35. Some people have already given as much as $500. Others have given $50 and $100.
But no matter how much you give, whether it's chipping in with $10 or a larger contribution of $150, I guarantee your contribution is urgently needed and will be deeply appreciated.
That's why I hope and pray that you will not delay a moment to make a contribution of $1000, $500, $100, $50, $25, or even $10 if you can.
Your contribution to the National Pro-Life Alliance and your signed petition will be the first steps toward reversing Roe v. Wade and waking up the politicians about where our barbarous pro-abortion policy is taking us.
Rand Paul,
United States Senator
P.S. The Supreme Court itself admitted --
if Congress declares unborn children "persons" under the law, the constitutional case for abortion-on-demand "collapses."
Please help make that happen. Sign your petition
today to the National Pro-Life Alliance
to reverse Roe v. Wade, along with a sacrificial contribution of
$50, $25. If that's too much, please consider
chipping in with a donation of $10.
You should also know a generous donor has agreed to match all contributions, no matter the size, increasing your gift to the National Pro-Life Alliance by 50%!
You should also know a generous donor has agreed to match all contributions, no matter the size, increasing your gift to the National Pro-Life Alliance by 50%!
Thank you.
Yesterday, the Senate rejected Obama's gun control schemes by the slimmest of margins.
And I know that it was YOU who made all the difference!
I would like to thank you for standing with me to safeguard the Second Amendment.
While this was certainly a major victory for gun rights, you and I aren't out of the woods yet.
President Obama, Harry Reid, and the rest of the gun grabbers are furious and have vowed to continue their campaign to destroy the Second Amendment.
And because of Harry Reid's maneuvering, he can bring gun control back up at any time.
You can be sure he will -- as soon as he has the votes.
So we must all remain vigilant and prepared for bigger battles ahead.
This fight may not be over, but you should stand proud for this well-fought victory.
You and I have witnessed firsthand what we can do when we stand together against those who wish to infringe on our rights.
And make no mistake about it -- protecting our rights is a full-time job.
Thank you, again, for all that you do.
In Liberty,

Senator Rand Paul
Yesterday, the Senate rejected Obama's gun control schemes by the slimmest of margins.
And I know that it was YOU who made all the difference!
I would like to thank you for standing with me to safeguard the Second Amendment.
While this was certainly a major victory for gun rights, you and I aren't out of the woods yet.
President Obama, Harry Reid, and the rest of the gun grabbers are furious and have vowed to continue their campaign to destroy the Second Amendment.
And because of Harry Reid's maneuvering, he can bring gun control back up at any time.
You can be sure he will -- as soon as he has the votes.
So we must all remain vigilant and prepared for bigger battles ahead.
This fight may not be over, but you should stand proud for this well-fought victory.
You and I have witnessed firsthand what we can do when we stand together against those who wish to infringe on our rights.
And make no mistake about it -- protecting our rights is a full-time job.
Thank you, again, for all that you do.
In Liberty,
Senator Rand Paul
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Gun Rights -- No Time To Waste!
I'm not going to beat around the bush.
It's absolutely critical you call BOTH your U.S. Senators and tell them to vote NO on any gun control scheme -- especially the Toomey/Manchin bill -- IMMEDIATELY.
(202) 224-3121
Starting at 4:00 P.M. today, the Senate will begin voting on a series of anti-gun amendments Senate Majority Leader Reid is bringing to the floor.
Among them are the Feinstein Gun Ban, a magazine ban amendment and numerous other schemes.
But tops on the list is the Manchin/Toomey "Background Check" (National Gun Registration Bill).
The vote on this so-called "compromise bill" could come down to just one or two votes.
And your pressure can make all the difference.
Many or my colleagues are getting pressure from all different directions.
Anti-gun groups are running hard-hitting TV ads. The Obama White House is working to twist arms, as well.
But if you can turn up the heat on your U.S. Senators, you can make sure they know you and I are 100% serious about stopping their gun grabs in in their tracks.
Time is running out.
So it's critical you act IMMEDIATELY.
Please call BOTH your Senators at once and tell them to vote no on any new gun control scheme -- especially the Toomey/Manchin Bill.
(202) 224-3121
This fight will depend on YOU.
In Liberty,

Senator Rand Paul
P.S. Beginning at 4 p.m., the Senate will begin voting on a series of anti-gun amendments Senate Majority Leader Reid is bringing to the floor.
So it's absolutely critical you call (202) 224-3121 and tell your U.S. Senators to vote NO on any gun control scheme -- especially the Toomey/Manchin bill -- IMMEDIATELY.
It's absolutely critical you call BOTH your U.S. Senators and tell them to vote NO on any gun control scheme -- especially the Toomey/Manchin bill -- IMMEDIATELY.
Starting at 4:00 P.M. today, the Senate will begin voting on a series of anti-gun amendments Senate Majority Leader Reid is bringing to the floor.
Among them are the Feinstein Gun Ban, a magazine ban amendment and numerous other schemes.
But tops on the list is the Manchin/Toomey "Background Check" (National Gun Registration Bill).
The vote on this so-called "compromise bill" could come down to just one or two votes.
And your pressure can make all the difference.
Many or my colleagues are getting pressure from all different directions.
Anti-gun groups are running hard-hitting TV ads. The Obama White House is working to twist arms, as well.
But if you can turn up the heat on your U.S. Senators, you can make sure they know you and I are 100% serious about stopping their gun grabs in in their tracks.
Time is running out.
So it's critical you act IMMEDIATELY.
Please call BOTH your Senators at once and tell them to vote no on any new gun control scheme -- especially the Toomey/Manchin Bill.
This fight will depend on YOU.
In Liberty,
Senator Rand Paul
P.S. Beginning at 4 p.m., the Senate will begin voting on a series of anti-gun amendments Senate Majority Leader Reid is bringing to the floor.
So it's absolutely critical you call (202) 224-3121 and tell your U.S. Senators to vote NO on any gun control scheme -- especially the Toomey/Manchin bill -- IMMEDIATELY.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
An Important Message from Sen. Rand on YOUR Second Amendment Rights
Harry Reid is fuming!
You see, he and the rest of his gun-grabbing pals in Congress have big plans to take away your gun rights.
And because of YOUR pressure, Reid might not have enough votes to continue his assault on the Second Amendment.
The one thing you can count on though is that Harry Reid has more tricks up his sleeves.
So now is not the time to let up!
With voting on gun control starting as early as TODAY, we must make sure that every Senator in Washington knows we are serious about protecting the Second Amendment.
That's why it's VITAL you sign your Gun Rights Petition. Click here to do so! http://www.rand-2016.com/gunsfil.aspx?pid=0416
The importance of this battle cannot be overstated.
So please forward this every pro-Second Amendment American you know to help us stop Harry Reid's gun-grabbing schemes.
This is a fight we cannot afford to lose, so please take the time to sign your petition and forward this email to your pro-gun friends and family.
I'm counting on you to continue standing with me to defeat the assault on the Second Amendment.
I sincerely thank you for all that you do.
In Liberty,

Senator Rand Paul
P.S. Thanks to your pressure, we have Harry Reid's back against the wall.
But we must keep the pressure on every Senator to make sure they are protecting the Second Amendment.
You see, he and the rest of his gun-grabbing pals in Congress have big plans to take away your gun rights.
And because of YOUR pressure, Reid might not have enough votes to continue his assault on the Second Amendment.
The one thing you can count on though is that Harry Reid has more tricks up his sleeves.
So now is not the time to let up!
With voting on gun control starting as early as TODAY, we must make sure that every Senator in Washington knows we are serious about protecting the Second Amendment.
That's why it's VITAL you sign your Gun Rights Petition. Click here to do so! http://www.rand-2016.com/gunsfil.aspx?pid=0416
The importance of this battle cannot be overstated.
So please forward this every pro-Second Amendment American you know to help us stop Harry Reid's gun-grabbing schemes.
This is a fight we cannot afford to lose, so please take the time to sign your petition and forward this email to your pro-gun friends and family.
I'm counting on you to continue standing with me to defeat the assault on the Second Amendment.
I sincerely thank you for all that you do.
In Liberty,
Senator Rand Paul
P.S. Thanks to your pressure, we have Harry Reid's back against the wall.
But we must keep the pressure on every Senator to make sure they are protecting the Second Amendment.
National Student Database Info
{as emailed from ParentalRights.org}
April 16, 2013
How the National Student Database Came to Be
How does a nation founded on individual liberty suddenly find itself in a place where, as we reported a few weeks ago, a
single database now holds personal and education information on
millions of public school students from Colorado, Delaware, Georgia,
Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, New York, and North
Carolina – all without their parents’ knowledge or consent? How did a law allowing for this Orwellian monster ever get passed, and why did no one hear about it?
It has happened incrementally, and it turns out we have been on this road for a very long time.
In December, 2011, the Department of Education released its “Final Rule” on the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), putting in place the final pieces to allow this database to become a reality. But it would be inaccurate to blame the Department, or certainly to blame them for the whole thing. Rather, their report points out the mile markers passed along the way.
FERPA was adopted in 1974 to protect the privacy of school children by preserving the rights of parents and “eligible students” (students 18 and older, or students enrolled in post-secondary education such as college) to access their education records and to keep others from doing the same. As society and technology have changed, adjustments have been made to FERPA as well, though no drastic shifts took place for 30 years.
During that time, though, computer technology took off, followed by the world-wide web. Now everything is stored in digital format on a computer somewhere.
Along the way Congress passed laws to make the process of building and storing those records more efficient. And they passed other laws encouraging states to share their records among various institutions in order to make their education systems more efficient and more effective.
First came the America Creating Opportunities to Meaningfully Promote Excellence in Technology, Education, and Science (“America COMPETES) Act of 2007. This act first set forth the vision of building “statewide longitudinal data systems” (SLDS) – massive databases to store student data for sharing among a state’s education institutions. For instance, the state’s department of education can communicate with the local school district, and also with a state-run college or university, to share information.
The upside cannot be ignored: colleges and universities would get a better idea of what kind of students they will be receiving and how prepared they will be, while public school districts are able to measure how well they are doing at preparing their students for college. No one was going to have a problem with those goals.
Then Congress passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), providing funding for any state that would meet certain federal goals, including the establishment of SLDS. The Department of Education in its report of December, 2011, cited this as proof that data sharing is not only allowed but expected: “Title VIII of ARRAS appropriated $250,000,000 to the Institute of Education Sciences …to provide competitive grants to State[s] for the development of SLDS that include early childhood through postsecondary and workforce information.”
It wasn’t until the Department offered these FERPA rules that many began to picture the dangers of a national database of school children. At that point, though, we spoke up against the idea. The Department’s response was to split hairs.
“The Department is not establishing a national database of PII (personally identifiable information) from education records and we have no intention to do so…. The right to develop SLDS or link SLDS across State lines is reserved to the States…. In fact, HEA [the Higher Education Act of 1965 as amended] specifically states that it does not prohibit ‘a State or consortium of States from developing, implementing, or maintaining state-developed databases that track individuals over time, including student unit record systems that contain information related to enrollment, attendance, graduation and retention rates, student financial assistance, and graduate employment outcomes’.”
The federal government has suggested such a database and pays money to those states that will work together to create one and connect it to others. But the Department points out that this “would not be ‘national’ because the Federal Government would not play a role in its operation.” Clearly, this is a matter of semantics – and incorrect semantics at that. (Sports, for instance, is filled with “national” things that are not “federal”: the National Football League, the National Hockey League, and baseball’s National League, to name a few.)
Whether the Federal Government runs the database or only calls for and funds it, Congress bears responsibility for its creation. Most important, the data are still being gathered into one place, often without parental consent. And government actors are collecting data on our children to track them from “early childhood through postsecondary [education] and [the] workforce.”
It has happened incrementally, and it turns out we have been on this road for a very long time.
In December, 2011, the Department of Education released its “Final Rule” on the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), putting in place the final pieces to allow this database to become a reality. But it would be inaccurate to blame the Department, or certainly to blame them for the whole thing. Rather, their report points out the mile markers passed along the way.
FERPA was adopted in 1974 to protect the privacy of school children by preserving the rights of parents and “eligible students” (students 18 and older, or students enrolled in post-secondary education such as college) to access their education records and to keep others from doing the same. As society and technology have changed, adjustments have been made to FERPA as well, though no drastic shifts took place for 30 years.
During that time, though, computer technology took off, followed by the world-wide web. Now everything is stored in digital format on a computer somewhere.
Along the way Congress passed laws to make the process of building and storing those records more efficient. And they passed other laws encouraging states to share their records among various institutions in order to make their education systems more efficient and more effective.
First came the America Creating Opportunities to Meaningfully Promote Excellence in Technology, Education, and Science (“America COMPETES) Act of 2007. This act first set forth the vision of building “statewide longitudinal data systems” (SLDS) – massive databases to store student data for sharing among a state’s education institutions. For instance, the state’s department of education can communicate with the local school district, and also with a state-run college or university, to share information.
The upside cannot be ignored: colleges and universities would get a better idea of what kind of students they will be receiving and how prepared they will be, while public school districts are able to measure how well they are doing at preparing their students for college. No one was going to have a problem with those goals.
Then Congress passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), providing funding for any state that would meet certain federal goals, including the establishment of SLDS. The Department of Education in its report of December, 2011, cited this as proof that data sharing is not only allowed but expected: “Title VIII of ARRAS appropriated $250,000,000 to the Institute of Education Sciences …to provide competitive grants to State[s] for the development of SLDS that include early childhood through postsecondary and workforce information.”
It wasn’t until the Department offered these FERPA rules that many began to picture the dangers of a national database of school children. At that point, though, we spoke up against the idea. The Department’s response was to split hairs.
“The Department is not establishing a national database of PII (personally identifiable information) from education records and we have no intention to do so…. The right to develop SLDS or link SLDS across State lines is reserved to the States…. In fact, HEA [the Higher Education Act of 1965 as amended] specifically states that it does not prohibit ‘a State or consortium of States from developing, implementing, or maintaining state-developed databases that track individuals over time, including student unit record systems that contain information related to enrollment, attendance, graduation and retention rates, student financial assistance, and graduate employment outcomes’.”
The federal government has suggested such a database and pays money to those states that will work together to create one and connect it to others. But the Department points out that this “would not be ‘national’ because the Federal Government would not play a role in its operation.” Clearly, this is a matter of semantics – and incorrect semantics at that. (Sports, for instance, is filled with “national” things that are not “federal”: the National Football League, the National Hockey League, and baseball’s National League, to name a few.)
Whether the Federal Government runs the database or only calls for and funds it, Congress bears responsibility for its creation. Most important, the data are still being gathered into one place, often without parental consent. And government actors are collecting data on our children to track them from “early childhood through postsecondary [education] and [the] workforce.”
How Do We Start to Fix This?
greatest safeguard for a child’s privacy is a parent. As technology
advances, more and more people and agencies will want to use that
technology and the data available to further their own goals. Parents must be empowered to protect the privacy of their children.
The proposed Parental Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution will strengthen the role of parents in the child’s life by assuring that “The liberty of parents to direct the upbringing, education, and care of their children is a fundamental right.”
Our investigation of the national database and the spreading “Core Curriculum” is ongoing. We are learning more each week, and working to share that information with you. The more we learn, the more we see the very real need for the Parental Rights Amendment.
If you still have friends or family members who have not signed the petition to preserve these rights, encourage them to do so at parentalrights.org/petition.
Together we can protect our children by preserving our parental rights.
Michael Ramey
Director of Communications & Research
All quotes (except the Parental Rights Amendment) are from Federal Register Vol. 76, No. 232, Friday, December 2, 2011, pp.75604-75660. (34 CFR Part 99)
The proposed Parental Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution will strengthen the role of parents in the child’s life by assuring that “The liberty of parents to direct the upbringing, education, and care of their children is a fundamental right.”
Our investigation of the national database and the spreading “Core Curriculum” is ongoing. We are learning more each week, and working to share that information with you. The more we learn, the more we see the very real need for the Parental Rights Amendment.
If you still have friends or family members who have not signed the petition to preserve these rights, encourage them to do so at parentalrights.org/petition.
Together we can protect our children by preserving our parental rights.
Michael Ramey
Director of Communications & Research
All quotes (except the Parental Rights Amendment) are from Federal Register Vol. 76, No. 232, Friday, December 2, 2011, pp.75604-75660. (34 CFR Part 99)
America the Vulnerable
Nothing will be quite the same in Boston or in America after Monday's
terrorist attack. Psychologically, the bombings bring terrorism to the
streets of an American city, on a sunny Patriot's Day, during a road
race, the Boston Marathon.
The bombings mean that any street corner, in any American City, is vulnerable -- that terror need not come from the sky, nor target iconic skyscrapers and national landmarks. It can target people where they gather just for fun, on any given day.
The attacker or attackers today used bombs in backpacks, not commandeered jets. They chose the streets of Boston, not the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C., or the World Trade Center in New York City as their target. Because the target of those who hate freedom is anyone who loves it, anywhere, anytime.
On Monday, Boston and America joined cities like Jerusalem and
nations like Ireland, which have long known that safety is relative,
that the danger that comes from asserting the values we hold dear is
omnipresent, that life itself is a gift that can be taken not only by
cancer and heart disease, but by the disease of terrorism.
We are no more vulnerable today than yesterday, but we will feel more vulnerable, because we had no known hint of what was to befall us.
This event will register, psychologically, in the minds of those at the Boston Garden and Madison Square Garden and at parades on Fifth Avenue in a way that only the carnage on 9/11 did -- and, possibly, even more.
With all our TSA security, with the Homeland Security Act, with the government nosing around in our emails and deploying drones at home and abroad, with the (nonsensical) talk in Washington about banning assault rifles or restricting access to ammunition, an 8-year-old boy was blown up Monday, two adults were blown up on Monday, and more than a hundred others were injured, some losing limbs.
Here is the irony: We are vulnerable, because we are free and strong. These qualities attract the ire of those who would have us shackled and weak, who are consumed by hatred for individual possibilities, rather than love for what a free person can dream about and strive for and accomplish.
Please tell your children this: We are attacked in America because we speak about and believe in the power of people to guide themselves through life, to make their own decisions, to think their own thoughts, to speak freely and to pursue their own happiness.
Tell them that as long as the Lincoln Memorial and the Jefferson Memorial and the Statue of Liberty grace our great land that those opposed to equality and freedom will always see us as enemies. Tell them that we must always be vigilant, but never afraid.
Tell them that we cannot be defeated, because the truth wins, every time. And we, in America, hold great truths to be self-evident.
Tell them that liberty is a marathon.
Dr. Keith Ablow is a psychiatrist and member of the Fox News Medical A-Team. Dr. Ablow can be reached at info@keithablow.com
The bombings mean that any street corner, in any American City, is vulnerable -- that terror need not come from the sky, nor target iconic skyscrapers and national landmarks. It can target people where they gather just for fun, on any given day.
The attacker or attackers today used bombs in backpacks, not commandeered jets. They chose the streets of Boston, not the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C., or the World Trade Center in New York City as their target. Because the target of those who hate freedom is anyone who loves it, anywhere, anytime.
Here is the irony: We are vulnerable, because we are free and strong.
We are no more vulnerable today than yesterday, but we will feel more vulnerable, because we had no known hint of what was to befall us.
This event will register, psychologically, in the minds of those at the Boston Garden and Madison Square Garden and at parades on Fifth Avenue in a way that only the carnage on 9/11 did -- and, possibly, even more.
With all our TSA security, with the Homeland Security Act, with the government nosing around in our emails and deploying drones at home and abroad, with the (nonsensical) talk in Washington about banning assault rifles or restricting access to ammunition, an 8-year-old boy was blown up Monday, two adults were blown up on Monday, and more than a hundred others were injured, some losing limbs.
Here is the irony: We are vulnerable, because we are free and strong. These qualities attract the ire of those who would have us shackled and weak, who are consumed by hatred for individual possibilities, rather than love for what a free person can dream about and strive for and accomplish.
Please tell your children this: We are attacked in America because we speak about and believe in the power of people to guide themselves through life, to make their own decisions, to think their own thoughts, to speak freely and to pursue their own happiness.
Tell them that as long as the Lincoln Memorial and the Jefferson Memorial and the Statue of Liberty grace our great land that those opposed to equality and freedom will always see us as enemies. Tell them that we must always be vigilant, but never afraid.
Tell them that we cannot be defeated, because the truth wins, every time. And we, in America, hold great truths to be self-evident.
Tell them that liberty is a marathon.
Dr. Keith Ablow is a psychiatrist and member of the Fox News Medical A-Team. Dr. Ablow can be reached at info@keithablow.com
Saturday, April 13, 2013
From Rep. Gosar
Dear Friend,
Today marks 100 days since the beginning of the 113th Congress. In that time, I have remained committed to being open, accessible, and responsive to the American people and focused on defending that sacred document known as the U.S. Constitution. Let me begin by saying that it has been a very active first 100 days in Washington, D.C. and back home in the district. In total, I have sponsored or co-sponsored 67 pieces of legislation, in the first 100 days.
As always, you can follow everything I am working on in Arizona and Washington, D.C. through my website (http://gosar.house.gov ) on Twitter @repgosar , or through Facebook at Representative Paul Gosar.
Today marks 100 days since the beginning of the 113th Congress. In that time, I have remained committed to being open, accessible, and responsive to the American people and focused on defending that sacred document known as the U.S. Constitution. Let me begin by saying that it has been a very active first 100 days in Washington, D.C. and back home in the district. In total, I have sponsored or co-sponsored 67 pieces of legislation, in the first 100 days.
Some of the key issues I addressed in the first 100 days included: jobs, the economy, government
accountability, gun rights, healthcare reform, energy development, tax reform and immigration. I introduced
several jobs bills this Congress as it’s important that we get people back to work. This includes
my Land Exchange
, and Hydropower
bills which would revitalize our rural communities, grow the economy, and restore prosperity
to our great nation. I also invited numerous gun manufacturers to relocate to sunny Arizona where we
are friendly to business and respect the Second Amendment.
As the only congressional member from Arizona on the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, I
have been relentless in my pursuit to investigate and expose waste, fraud, and abuse in the Obama Administration.
Let me be clear, there have been countless examples of waste, fraud, and abuse in this administration,
from Fast and Furious to the Benghazi cover-up. I continued this Congress to push for the resignation
of Attorney General Eric Holder
for his actions and inactions pertaining to the misguided and unlawful
Operation Fast and Furious. I will not stop until the American people get the answers they deserve.
Outside of Washington, I traveled across one of the largest congressional districts in the country,
at over 50,000 square miles, to meet with constituents and hear their ideas on how we can find solutions
to the problems that face our country. This included hosting over 10 roundtable discussions and listening
sessions. I enjoy traveling throughout the district and meeting with people. Stay tuned to future announcements,
as I or my staff may be in your town. This has just been the first 100 days and I plan to keep
going strong.
As always, you can follow everything I am working on in Arizona and Washington, D.C. through my website (http://gosar.house.gov ) on Twitter @repgosar , or through Facebook at Representative Paul Gosar.
![]() Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. Member of Congress |
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Gun Laws in Chicago
Newtown, CT
Nineteen of 20 Newtown children are white.
All of a sudden the 2nd amendment should be
repealed or altered.
Chicago children are mostly black.
The media is silent about Chicago violence.
Chicago: 446 school age children shot last year with strongest gun
laws in country the media is silent
The cesspool known as Chicago probably has the toughest gun laws in
the country, yet despite all the shootings, murders, and bloodshed,
you never hear a peep about this from the corrupt state run media.
In Chicago , there have been 446 school age children shot in leftist
utopia run by Rahm Emanuel.
62 school aged children have actually been killed by crazed nuts in
Chicago so far this year.
So why isnt this news worthy?
Is it because it would embarrass those anti second amendment nuts
who brag about Chicago 's tough gun laws?
Is it because most of the kids who were shot and killed were minorities?
Or is it because the corrupt media doesn't want to show Chicago
in a bad light?
18 YEARS OLD- 15
17 YEARS OLD- 16
16 YEARS OLD- 16
446 School Age Children Shot in Chicago so Far Last Year THE LIST OF
18 year old -110
17 year old - 99
16 year old - 89
15 year old - 62
14 year old - 39
13 year old - 21
12 year old - 10
11 year old - 2
10 year old - 3
9 year old - 1
7 year old - 3
6 year old - 2
5 year old - 1
4 year old - 1
3 year old - 1
1 year old - 2
So why isnt this news worthy?
The Political Leaders in Illinois ;
All Democrats!
President: Barack Hussein Obama
Senator: Dick Durbin House
Representative: Jesse Jackson Jr.
Governor: Pat Quinn House leader: Mike Madigan
Atty. Gen.: Lisa Madigan (daughter of Mike) Mayor: Rahm Emanuel
Chicago school system is rated one of the worst in the country.
State pension fund $78 Billion in debt, worst in country.
Cook County ( Chicago ) sales tax 10.25% - highest in country.
A culture of corruption that would make a Louisiana politician blush with envy.
Can't blame Republicans;
There aren't any!
So the real reason the Press is Silent, There's no one they can blame.
Nineteen of 20 Newtown children are white.
All of a sudden the 2nd amendment should be
repealed or altered.
Chicago children are mostly black.
The media is silent about Chicago violence.
Chicago: 446 school age children shot last year with strongest gun
laws in country the media is silent
The cesspool known as Chicago probably has the toughest gun laws in
the country, yet despite all the shootings, murders, and bloodshed,
you never hear a peep about this from the corrupt state run media.
In Chicago , there have been 446 school age children shot in leftist
utopia run by Rahm Emanuel.
62 school aged children have actually been killed by crazed nuts in
Chicago so far this year.
So why isnt this news worthy?
Is it because it would embarrass those anti second amendment nuts
who brag about Chicago 's tough gun laws?
Is it because most of the kids who were shot and killed were minorities?
Or is it because the corrupt media doesn't want to show Chicago
in a bad light?
18 YEARS OLD- 15
17 YEARS OLD- 16
16 YEARS OLD- 16
446 School Age Children Shot in Chicago so Far Last Year THE LIST OF
18 year old -110
17 year old - 99
16 year old - 89
15 year old - 62
14 year old - 39
13 year old - 21
12 year old - 10
11 year old - 2
10 year old - 3
9 year old - 1
7 year old - 3
6 year old - 2
5 year old - 1
4 year old - 1
3 year old - 1
1 year old - 2
So why isnt this news worthy?
The Political Leaders in Illinois ;
All Democrats!
President: Barack Hussein Obama
Senator: Dick Durbin House
Representative: Jesse Jackson Jr.
Governor: Pat Quinn House leader: Mike Madigan
Atty. Gen.: Lisa Madigan (daughter of Mike) Mayor: Rahm Emanuel
Chicago school system is rated one of the worst in the country.
State pension fund $78 Billion in debt, worst in country.
Cook County ( Chicago ) sales tax 10.25% - highest in country.
A culture of corruption that would make a Louisiana politician blush with envy.
Can't blame Republicans;
There aren't any!
So the real reason the Press is Silent, There's no one they can blame.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
I just finished a meeting with my Republican colleagues, and I am very
concerned how many of them might be wavering in their support for the
amendment and against Harry Reid's gun control scheme.
And time is running out for you and me to shore up the support of every freedom-loving U.S. Senator.
I have taken a stand, but I need more Senators to join me.
Will you take a simple action today to make sure that happens and call both of your U.S. Senators?
Even if they have previously supported the Second Amendment. Even if you have previously called them.
In fact, even if they signed the letter supporting my filibuster on gun control, I urge you to call them to make sure they are standing strong.
(202) 224-3121
I'm truly fearful.
If we don't stop the motion to proceed to debate, then Harry Reid can pass any gun control bill he wants with a simple majority!
And some Republican Senators are waffling even as Harry Reid is threatening this fight as early as tomorrow morning!
If we don't solidify the opposition, then we will likely see some sort of gun control very soon.
That's why it's VITAL you call both your U.S. Senators and insist they stand with me in opposition to the motion to proceed and ANY gun control legislation.
(202) 224-3121
We can stop gun control before it starts, but only if YOU take action TODAY.
In Liberty,

Senator Rand Paul
P.S. Please chip-in your most generous contribution of $10 or $20 to help me fight to protect the Second Amendment.
And time is running out for you and me to shore up the support of every freedom-loving U.S. Senator.
I have taken a stand, but I need more Senators to join me.
Will you take a simple action today to make sure that happens and call both of your U.S. Senators?
Even if they have previously supported the Second Amendment. Even if you have previously called them.
In fact, even if they signed the letter supporting my filibuster on gun control, I urge you to call them to make sure they are standing strong.
I'm truly fearful.
If we don't stop the motion to proceed to debate, then Harry Reid can pass any gun control bill he wants with a simple majority!
And some Republican Senators are waffling even as Harry Reid is threatening this fight as early as tomorrow morning!
If we don't solidify the opposition, then we will likely see some sort of gun control very soon.
That's why it's VITAL you call both your U.S. Senators and insist they stand with me in opposition to the motion to proceed and ANY gun control legislation.
We can stop gun control before it starts, but only if YOU take action TODAY.
In Liberty,
Senator Rand Paul
P.S. Please chip-in your most generous contribution of $10 or $20 to help me fight to protect the Second Amendment.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
We Should "TRUST" Harry Reid and President Obama?!
"Republicans should trust Harry Reid and President Obama."
That's effectively what a small number of my senate colleagues have said in opposing my filibuster in support of Second Amendment.
But I'm not buying it.
Those comments echoed what the Obama administration said just a couple of weeks earlier when they urged me to drop my filibuster of their anti-gun bill.
I'm not backing down.
But I'm afraid that after the Senate's two-week recess, my colleagues are back "home" in Washington, D.C. and ready for a fresh round of ignoring their constituents' wishes.
I'm afraid that after the Senate's two-week recess, my colleagues are back "home" in Washington, D.C. and ready for a fresh round of ignoring their constituents' wishes.
As I mentioned to you recently, some of the most important fights of the Obama presidency will likely occur over the next few weeks.
Now President Obama's sweeping gun control assault and so-called immigration "reform" - without border security - are at the top of the Harry Reid's agenda.
And I'm more afraid than ever some of my Republican colleagues are already preparing to throw in the towel.
That's why I'm counting on you to sign your Stand With Rand petition IMMEDIATELY.
As you'll see, this petition urges both of your U.S. Senators to stand with me on two critical issues...
First, it's critical they pledge to support my filibuster, preventing any legislation designed to serve as a vehicle to ram President Obama's anti-gun agenda into law.
And secondly, your Stand with Rand petition urges them not to ensure that any immigration reform considered by the Senate begins with border security.
Which legislation the Senate decides to bring up first is anybody's guess...
But for weeks rumors have been floating around Capitol Hill that these next two weeks will see a full-scale Senate showdown on gun control.
Senator Reid's strategy is simple. Bring a watered-down anti-gun bill to the floor for in order to meet the 60-vote threshold to proceed to debate.
Then once debate begins, any number of anti-gun amendments could be added, including:
But you and I must reach 41 to be able to stop Senator Reid's strategy.
Some in the establishment GOP seems happy to sell out our gun rights, vote to allow debate, and set the stage for another Obama a victory... again.
Even they aren't immune from pressure as their history of flip-flopping on issues proves.
But there's a more than a handful who are "on the fence."
That's why your pressure is so important - not only to stop a gun control disaster, but also to fight back against any "immigration reform" bill that doesn't begin with border security.
For too long politicians have just kicked the can down the road on this issue, happy to ignore the fact that our borders are still not secure.
Instead, left-wing politicians just hand us phony promises while ensuring the problem only gets worse year after year.
Well, I'm drawing a line in the sand.
If you and I can turn up enough heat on Congress, we can secure the borders and finally eliminate the problem of illegal immigration once and for all.
That's why I'm counting on you to stand with me today.
Won't you please sign your Stand With Rand petition?
If possible, I also hope you'll agree to a generous contribution of $100.
As I mentioned, both of these fights are absolutely critical - and they're about to get white hot.
But if $100 is just too much, please agree to $50 or at least $25.
The days of politicians ignoring the wishes of those they work for can and MUST come to a hard and fast end.
I'm committed to standing up and fighting for you.
I'm asking you to stand with me TODAY.
Please sign your Stand With Rand petition and agree to your most generous contribution of $100, $50 or $25 IMMEDIATELY.
In Liberty,

Senator Rand Paul
P.S. Some of the most important fights of the Obama presidency will likely occur over the next few weeks.
President Obama's sweeping gun control assault and so-called immigration "reform" - without border security - are at the top of the Harry Reid's agenda.
That's why I'm counting on you to help me fight back TODAY!
Please sign your Stand With Rand petition and agree to your most generous contribution of $100, $50, or $25 IMMEDIATELY.
That's effectively what a small number of my senate colleagues have said in opposing my filibuster in support of Second Amendment.
But I'm not buying it.
Those comments echoed what the Obama administration said just a couple of weeks earlier when they urged me to drop my filibuster of their anti-gun bill.
I'm not backing down.
But I'm afraid that after the Senate's two-week recess, my colleagues are back "home" in Washington, D.C. and ready for a fresh round of ignoring their constituents' wishes.
I'm afraid that after the Senate's two-week recess, my colleagues are back "home" in Washington, D.C. and ready for a fresh round of ignoring their constituents' wishes.
As I mentioned to you recently, some of the most important fights of the Obama presidency will likely occur over the next few weeks.
Now President Obama's sweeping gun control assault and so-called immigration "reform" - without border security - are at the top of the Harry Reid's agenda.
And I'm more afraid than ever some of my Republican colleagues are already preparing to throw in the towel.
That's why I'm counting on you to sign your Stand With Rand petition IMMEDIATELY.
As you'll see, this petition urges both of your U.S. Senators to stand with me on two critical issues...
First, it's critical they pledge to support my filibuster, preventing any legislation designed to serve as a vehicle to ram President Obama's anti-gun agenda into law.
And secondly, your Stand with Rand petition urges them not to ensure that any immigration reform considered by the Senate begins with border security.
Which legislation the Senate decides to bring up first is anybody's guess...
But for weeks rumors have been floating around Capitol Hill that these next two weeks will see a full-scale Senate showdown on gun control.
Senator Reid's strategy is simple. Bring a watered-down anti-gun bill to the floor for in order to meet the 60-vote threshold to proceed to debate.
Then once debate begins, any number of anti-gun amendments could be added, including:
*** Gun and Magazine Bans outlawing firearms and magazines that hold
more than just a handful of rounds.
*** Universal "Background Checks"
any person with a shred of objectivity knows is code for GUN
REGISTRATION because there's simply no way to know if a firearm transfer
occurred without
a "background check" than to use those forms to create a federal
registry of guns and gun owners;
*** The Feinstein Gun Ban.
I've seen some media reports saying this scheme is dead. I hope so. But
once a bill reaches the
floor, amendments start rolling like snowballs and the horse-trading
begins on the Senate floor, I'm afraid anything could happen.
So far, a
dozen members of the Senate have joined me. But you and I must reach 41 to be able to stop Senator Reid's strategy.
Some in the establishment GOP seems happy to sell out our gun rights, vote to allow debate, and set the stage for another Obama a victory... again.
Even they aren't immune from pressure as their history of flip-flopping on issues proves.
But there's a more than a handful who are "on the fence."
That's why your pressure is so important - not only to stop a gun control disaster, but also to fight back against any "immigration reform" bill that doesn't begin with border security.
For too long politicians have just kicked the can down the road on this issue, happy to ignore the fact that our borders are still not secure.
Instead, left-wing politicians just hand us phony promises while ensuring the problem only gets worse year after year.
Well, I'm drawing a line in the sand.
If you and I can turn up enough heat on Congress, we can secure the borders and finally eliminate the problem of illegal immigration once and for all.
That's why I'm counting on you to stand with me today.
Won't you please sign your Stand With Rand petition?
If possible, I also hope you'll agree to a generous contribution of $100.
As I mentioned, both of these fights are absolutely critical - and they're about to get white hot.
But if $100 is just too much, please agree to $50 or at least $25.
The days of politicians ignoring the wishes of those they work for can and MUST come to a hard and fast end.
I'm committed to standing up and fighting for you.
I'm asking you to stand with me TODAY.
Please sign your Stand With Rand petition and agree to your most generous contribution of $100, $50 or $25 IMMEDIATELY.
In Liberty,
Senator Rand Paul
P.S. Some of the most important fights of the Obama presidency will likely occur over the next few weeks.
President Obama's sweeping gun control assault and so-called immigration "reform" - without border security - are at the top of the Harry Reid's agenda.
That's why I'm counting on you to help me fight back TODAY!
Please sign your Stand With Rand petition and agree to your most generous contribution of $100, $50, or $25 IMMEDIATELY.
Universal Background Checks
Universal Background Checks
you OK with the federal government keeping a database on all gun sales
and transfers, even between family members? Do you favor tighter
background checks of gun purchasers? Well, the National Rifle
Association seems to be OK with doing just that.
The National Association for Gun Rights sent out an alert/fund-raising email
last Friday and in it accused the NRA of being in the middle of making
backroom deals to further legislate away the Second Amendment. The NAGR
surmised that the NRA was willing to accept universal background checks
in exchange for "national concealed carry reciprocity."
rather than allowing states to craft their own versions of concealed
carry legislation, the NRA is willing to open it up to the entire
Congress to decide carrying standards. However, from a Constitutional
viewpoint, neither state nor federal government should be infringing on
your God-given right to keep and bear arms.
Is this just another example of "conservative" politicians refusing to take a principled stand? The New American takes a closer look at the NRA's National School Shield Program.
Contact the NRA and your Senators and tell them to stand strong on the Constitution.

VP Joe Biden Provides Insight
Leave it to Vice President Joe Biden to follow in the footsteps of globalists
before him and call for a "new world order." One that reflects the US
no longer at the top, rather slipping in order to be on par with other
think that Joe should be promoting American exceptionalism and not
against it. Interesting how many news outlets have gone to some lengths
to explain what Joe meant, in an attempt to head off "conspiracy
theories." For facts on the new world order, visit The New American.
Aren't Your Kids, Yours? Not According to MSNBC
MSNBC Host Melissa Harris-Perry has stated that the responsibility of raising children shouldn't and doesn't belong solely with parents -- it's a community effort.
She hearkens back to Hillary Clinton's socialist mindset of taking a village
to raise a child. Yet with the government having spent billions on
education over the years, the outcome hasn't been favorable for the
kids. But will those with the mindset that "we need to spend more"
realize the harm they are doing? In fact, this type of agenda permeates
the public school system, compliments of the National Education
Association, the Department of Education and teacher's unions.
FreedomProject Education was created to
help parents and students escape this socialist agenda. Where else can
you get a full Kindergarten through 12th Grade curriculum steeped in the
tradition of the Founding Fathers? No other program has the interaction
of live teachers, one-on-one help, and a cutting edge online delivery
takes on this socialistic agenda head-on. Academic Director Dr. Duke
Pesta has always been vocal about his treatment from liberal college
his next live talk show, he will explain how schools are forcing
opinions rather than teaching facts. He'll also highlight one local
student's struggle that has now gone viral. Tune in to "Our Nation Under God" on Tuesday, April 9th at 4:00 PM Central. Archives from previous shows are housed there as well.
FPE was created by homeschooling parents for homeschoolers. Enroll students today for a discount of up to 15%. But hurry, discounts are for a limited time.
(Taken from the JBS weekly update)
Video Proof...You won't BELIEVE this unless you see it
April 9, 2013
Video Proof: All Your Children Belong to Us
now you may have already seen the shocking video in which MSNBC
reporter Melissa Harris-Perry explains her opinion on your children. But
just in case, we wanted to make sure you do not miss this.
Here is an example of the problem. She honestly believes that for the sake of the future, we need to get passed the idea that you, the parent, bear primary responsibility for your child.
Watch the unsettling video http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=N3qtpdSQox0:
Here is an example of the problem. She honestly believes that for the sake of the future, we need to get passed the idea that you, the parent, bear primary responsibility for your child.
Watch the unsettling video http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=N3qtpdSQox0:
There are many who do not believe we need a Parental Rights Amendment. They don’t believe anyone could ever seriously want to take decision-making rights away from fit parents. They question how anyone could want to effectively take children away from their loving parents and give them to the state.
Those people need to see this video!
Please send this email to friends, family, and acquaintances who will be shocked to hear such an anti-family view of what is best for your children. Urge them to sign the petition to adopt the only Amendment that will protect children from this kind of grab.
You can also visit our page on Facebook and share this message on your own timeline or page.
Finally, if you have not done so recently, please donate to support our efforts to secure this important right for parents, for the sake of the children.
Oh, and if you still have not signed the petition to support the Romeikes (click for details), please let me urge you to do that today. If we reach 100,000 by April 18, the White House is obligated to respond. We are almost there, but we dare not fall short by even one.
This video serves as a reminder to all of us of why we work so hard for this cause. Thank you for standing with us to protect children by empowering parents.
Michael Ramey
Director of Communications & Research
We can ALL sacrifice some
This was forwarded to me by my Gr-Aunt Gay. I think it's appropriate enough to post and don't we ALL need some laughs?!
I'm cutting back and you may want to also....I 'm going to bite the bullet.President Obama ordered the cabinet to cut $100,000,000.00 ($100 million) from the $3,500,000,000,000.00 ($3.5 trillion) federal budget.I 'm so impressed by this sacrifice that I have decided to do the same thing with my personal budget. I spend about $2,000 a month on groceries, household expenses, medicine, utilities, etc., but it's time to get out the budget cutting axe, go through my expenses, and cut back.I 'm going to cut my spending at exactly the same ratio (1/35,000) of my total budget.After doing the math, it looks like instead of spending $2,000 a month, I 'm going to have to cut that number by six cents. Yes, I 'm going to have to get by with $1999.94, but that's what sacrifice is all about.I'll just have to do without some things, that are, frankly, luxuries – six cents worth.Did this President actually think no one would do the math? Please send this to everyone on your list so people understand how idiotic a $100 million cut is in a $3.5 trillion budget – ludicrous!"There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation...One is by sword...The other is by debt.".........John Adams 1826
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Come one, Come all
Victory Fellowship Theater
555 Recreation Street
This coming Friday the 12th of April.
6:30 Meet and Greet
6:47 Town Hall
What is there to talk about with our elected officials??? Here is just a sample:
Water Rights issues with our State and Federal governments
Agenda 21 intrusion in our land ownership
Union Activities
Education takeover by Agenda 21 through Common Core
Obamacare intrusion with Expanded Medicaid by our Governor
Recall law (this may be to late to Sheriff Joe Arpio.)
Second Amendment issues
.... the list goes on and on. There were about 1500 Bills this Session.
Come and listen to our Senator Gale
Griffin (R), LD 14, Chair of an important Committee in the Senate that is debating Agenda 21 issues, and many more, and Representative Adam Kwasman (R) LD 17, who will report on his potential run for Governor of our State, plus those Legislative issues he is working on.
Please come and bring your questions for a Q and A after their presentation.
NOTE: Donations for advertising are always welcome.
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