Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Video Proof...You won't BELIEVE this unless you see it

April 9, 2013
Video Proof: All Your Children Belong to Us
By now you may have already seen the shocking video in which MSNBC reporter Melissa Harris-Perry explains her opinion on your children. But just in case, we wanted to make sure you do not miss this.

Here is an example of the problem. She honestly believes that for the sake of the future, we need to get passed the idea that you, the parent, bear primary responsibility for your child.

Watch the unsettling video http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=N3qtpdSQox0:
Yesterday, Congressman Trent Franks of Arizona shared the video on his own Facebook page adding, “[T]his is precisely why, in the last Congress, I introduced the Parental Rights Amendment.”

There are many who do not believe we need a Parental Rights Amendment. They don’t believe anyone could ever seriously want to take decision-making rights away from fit parents. They question how anyone could want to effectively take children away from their loving parents and give them to the state.

Those people need to see this video!

Please send this email to friends, family, and acquaintances who will be shocked to hear such an anti-family view of what is best for your children. Urge them to sign the petition to adopt the only Amendment that will protect children from this kind of grab.

You can also visit our page on Facebook and share this message on your own timeline or page.

Finally, if you have not done so recently, please donate to support our efforts to secure this important right for parents, for the sake of the children.

Oh, and if you still have not signed the petition to support the Romeikes (click for details), please let me urge you to do that today. If we reach 100,000 by April 18, the White House is obligated to respond. We are almost there, but we dare not fall short by even one.

This video serves as a reminder to all of us of why we work so hard for this cause. Thank you for standing with us to protect children by empowering parents.


Michael Ramey
Director of Communications & Research

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