After reading this article @, became a little pissed off. Now, I generally try NOT to post things that irritate me, because quite frankly it does absolutely no good. But, the question came to my mind--if her pay was taken away (and I feel it should be!) would she then be willing to talk? Why in the hell are we placing someone on "administrative leave with pay" when they will not give us the details we are seeking?
In our lovely state (Arizona), if you do not cooperate such as Ms. Lerner did, you would lose your job. Why? Because Arizona is a "right to work state." If you don't want to do your job, then you don't have one, and believe me, there are plenty of good American's out there who would LOVE a chance to make even a pittance of what she's been pulling in for years. So, why in the world is she still there? On paid leave...collecting a paycheck that we are paying for when she's not giving us the information we desire.
To me, that is just as bad as the Fort Hood Shooter, Major Nidal Hasan, still getting paid while he's been locked up for shooting and killing and maiming American Servicemen and women @ Fort Hood in Texas, all the way back in 2009. He's 'earned' $278,000 since the attack on November 5, 2009, that left 32 wounded and killed 13. His earnings cannot be 'suspended' until he's proven guilty. What's wrong with this picture?! See full article here:
It's absolutely NO WONDER the United States of America is in the dire financial situation it is in. We continually pay people to murder and lie to us. WAKE UP AMERICA! Do SOMETHING before it's too damn late.
--Your Webmaster, Amanda
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