Wednesday, June 5, 2013


                                                        (Grinding down of America)
We see and hear of:
Government spending out of control 
Fast and Furious
National and State government spending out of control
IRS scandals
AP and Fox News illegal monitoring
Government cover up of numerous scandals at the highest levels
Taxes going up
Jobs being lost
Medical expenses out of sight
Medical Insurance being lost
Parents being told their children aren't theirs
Common Core
Agenda 21 a reality
Second Amendment Rights being attacked by UN and Obama Administration
Constitution being overturned
Federal Government out of control
Socialism vs. Sovereignty
                                                                etc., etc., etc.
Do you find it more and more impossible to keep up with all the governmental scandals swirling around you? Could it be that this is the way it is planned?
This very well produced and factual one hour movie provides the foundation for understanding WHY these things are occurring, and who are the perpetrators.
As the Moderator, Idaho State Representative Curtis Bowers, takes us on this interesting and haunting disclosure, there are sixteen nationally known officials that will share their insider information. 
 Is there any way to halt this drift toward socialism in our Country and the taking away those things we love and expect in America? Can our Country be returned to us? YES!
It takes you being informed and involved, are you willing? Please, come join with us.
                                            Friday, June 14th, 6:47 p.m.
                                    Safford's Victory Fellowship Theater
                                            555 Entertainment Street
Freedom isn't free. We are requesting a $5.00 per person donation to cover our costs to bring this important movie to you, if you canPlease don't stay away. 

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