Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Wow! This is an eye-opener!

Take a guess at how much the US contributes to the United Nations every year. Seventy million dollars? Seven hundred million dollars? You might be surprised and sickened to learn that the total is more than $7 billion!
That is $7 billion from a country that has to borrow roughly 40 percent of every dollar it spends. The list that money gets spent on is filled with unconstitutional items. Plus, most of the money is given above and beyond the dues the US is assessed to belong to the UN, such as for UN "peascekeeping."
According to the Constitution, which branch of the government holds the purse strings? Article I, Section 7 points to the House of Representatives (Legislative branch) as being the body where bills for raising revenue must originate. Wait. Which political party is in charge of the House that allows this spending to continue unabated? That's right, the Republicans. This is just another example of pointing out that the problem isn't left vs. right. It's liberty vs. tyranny. Which camp do you think Republican leadership is currently in?
But we digress, the United Nations negatively affects America in a myriad of ways, and more and more Americans are coming to see this. To better demonstrate the effects, JBS has recently published two new pamphlets: "The UN Arms Trade Treaty vs. The 2nd Amendment" and "The United Nations and You."
Both are currently available. Affordable bulk pricing is available for activists to distribute at events, gatherings, meetings or during one-on-one educational opportunities.This is part of our "Get US Out! of the United Nations" action project. With your help, we can be successful in getting the US out of the UN and the UN out of the US. With UN influence affecting so much of our daily lives, it's time to get out. Also, be sure to visit the action page and contact Congress to support already introduced legislation to get us out.

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